British Comedy Guide

I miss the old days of the BCG... Page 3

And when the Grumbleweeds arrived on the scene, I too flicked my hair wistfully, albeit nonchalantly, in nostalgic memories of that dear old ex rabbit skinner Bessie Bellwood singing Wot Cheer, Ria live at the Canterbury Theatre of Varieties.

Yes this place is no fun anymore.

People are leaving in their droves. Instead of being funny more and more posters are making more nasty and personal attacks. Whether or not this is because of the current situation I don't know but there doesn't seem to be any tolerance of other peoples views.

Consequently I've had enough.

Good bye!

You've got nearly 31 thousand posts!
Don't give up now :)

No comment.

Quote: Michael Monkhouse @ 8th June 2020, 9:08 PM

No comment.

You mean BCG isn't utterly f**king shit?

What a great catchphrase. Almost as good as, Stop It, making me hungry.
Things used to be a lot more knockabout but I think that's partly a sign of the times. The Net used to be thrilling, almost like publishing - now it's the equivalent of TV. Omg, moving pictures, awesome.

I don't get it.

All I did was guess he was a Taurus.

Which he didn't deny.

Just a "when did I ever say that?" by private e-mail.


If I had walked off every time someone said in the 1980s that my Virgo moon made me an anxious weird drippy twerp and sat uneasily against my Churchillian Sagittarius sun I would have lost it. I didn't. I just emphasised the Winston while also upping the Aquarius ascendant in me which by definition is crackers. The combination could even make me popular in its day once they had all pulled me by my feet out of bed so I turned into a beer and fish eating tiger on the screaming streets. But you would have to hear my voice (manly) and see my face (which I especially tried to hide). They are quite winnable as people can goad. Not at all like my writing where people don't know what all powerful sign it gives. It just is.

I didn't mean he was full of bull. Who am I to accuse? I have said often that I find that cows have such beautiful faces that they are the only heads I ever feel I might like to kiss. To be honest, I never think about their gender as I don't ever associate the bits as beauty. They are just there for reproduction. All else about sex is bollocks. Anyhow, I just noticed he was very blunt, to the point and earthy. My Nan was a Taurus. A better person than her has never walked the earth.

Chapman - Resurrect!

Quote: Chappers @ 8th June 2020, 8:50 PM

Yes this place is no fun anymore.

People are leaving in their droves. Instead of being funny more and more posters are making more nasty and personal attacks. Whether or not this is because of the current situation I don't know but there doesn't seem to be any tolerance of other peoples views.

Consequently I've had enough.

Good bye!

Come back Dave. It's been 2 days that's the norm for a BCG flounce:D

Everyone has tantrums.

Quote: Michael Monkhouse @ 10th June 2020, 1:47 PM

Everyone has tantrums.

I don't

How dare you

Right that's it, I'm leaving

I'm not apologising. I'm sorry, I'm not.

I don't think people have been leaving in their droves because of a lack of humour. It's more, as Chip said earlier, that forums aren't that popular anymore. It's much easier for people to head onto social media sites instead.

And it's been this way for nearly a decade on the BCG. But it's not a reflection on the place or the people, it's just a fact of life that times change.

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 29th January 2020, 3:16 PM

Whats the page number I'll look it up as I still get all my footy info off page 302

If you are getting withdrawal symptoms - sadly there doesn't seem to be a sports page/index, but Bamboozle is still there! Hurrah!
Check it out, and use the on screen remote :-

Good to see you back, Herc. Just in time for the resumption of Fantasy Football, I see. :)

He doesn't look a day older.

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