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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,154

Quote: Rood Eye @ 11th April 2020, 3:20 PM

Sophie Ellis-Bextor has been entertaining her fans during the coronavirus lockdown by streaming a series of mini-gigs from her own kitchen.

Yesterday, she had an extra-special broadcast planned because it was her birthday.

She lined up a special set of her disco hits and had just begun broadcasting on Facebook when, after only a few seconds, the broadcast was muted by Facebook who cited "copyright infringement" as the reason.

She was performing her own songs, ffs! :O

Wreckless Eric had to change his name on Facebook to Eric Goulden because they didn't believe it was him.

So, they've sabotaged the 5G mast that serves the Nightingale Hospital in Birmingham.
Well done, all you conspiracy theory wankers.

My local Facebook page has hundreds of comments about 5g masts it is some of the funniest comedy I've read in ages

The Daily Mail today announces in a headline that Emily Atack has lost three stone in three months.

Upon reading that headline, I myself announced that it was absolute bollocks.

A few minutes later, the Daily Mail itself confirmed my suspicions when it said in the body of the article that Emily has, in fact, lost a rather more credible ONE stone in the last three months.

For readers who may not know who she is, the article described her as "the Inbetweeners star" which I thought was a little harsh, given that her appearance in that sitcom was fully 10 years ago and that since then, she has appeared on TV several times, most recently in 2019 when she was taken on as co-presenter of "I'm a celebrity: extra camp" with Joel Dommett just before the show was axed.

PS. I also think it's rather harsh to describe Joel Dommett as "extra camp" when he is, in fact, only moderately camp.

Meanwhile in Michigan heavily armed right wing lunatics flying confederate flags have taken to the streets demanding an end to the lock down and the overthrow of the duly elected Governor.

The fact that Michigan fought on the Union side and is the birth place of GA Custer seems to have gone over the MAGA hats of the flag flyers. However in defence of the ones openly carrying AK47's , people with that type of weaponry are only asked for their ID not their IQ so technically its not their fault that they're armed.

The 'Revolt' appears to have started after three sheriffs refused to follow the states lock down procedures as they thought they were unconstitutional.
These three sheriffs are yet to be seen but I suspect that each of them will make Boss Hog look like Gandhi. If you look at the footage without sound then apart from the fact that they are white it could easily be South America or South Africa. America has not lost its way it has been taken down a very dark path by a true ego maniac and I doubt this problems will be solved at the ballot box. America is way too divided now and I fear Trump has started something he has no control over.

If Trump losses the next election , he will cite fraud, you can bet your shirt on it. He won't blame the growing death rates from his total mishandling of the virus , he will say its a 'Commie / Deep State conspiracy and these people in Michigan and millions like them will get behind him and terrorise what was once a democracy into becoming a 'Casserole of Nonsense,'
If I was an American I would want to see all these people traced and arrested and brought before the courts for breaching the Lock Down and inciting Treason and let the public know that there is at least some sort of grip on the situation,

Much like the Labour Party, America needs to re-split along the old fault lines.
The South should not only rise again, it should f**k off and leave the civilised world to get on with things.

Quote: Lazzard @ 16th April 2020, 12:21 PM

Much like the Labour Party, America needs to re-split along the old fault lines.
The South should not only rise again, it should f**k off and leave the civilised world to get on with things.

The fault lines exist only in the fevered imaginations of politicians and political agitators. Even the bluest of states is actually quite purple, with Trump winning a third of the vote or more. He carried many states north of the alleged divide, including the aforementioned Michigan.

Deriding entire states or calling classes of people 'uncivilized' is how you get Trump re-elected.

True, the line is probably very wiggly and more notional than physical.
But there is a line, nonetheless
And my opinions will have no effect on the outcome of your election.
That's Fox News' job.

Quote: Lazzard @ 16th April 2020, 4:23 PM

But there is a line, nonetheless

No, there is not a line. As I said, it's imaginary.

No word on the militia in Michigan trying to overthrow a duly elected Governor while ignoring the advice of the Surgeon General? Odd that a draft dodger inspires so much loyalty from the well armed ultra right.

It's all imaginary, Teddy.

I'll be honest and say that I found it really disturbing as it's clear that these 'Militia' types are in the ascendancy now more than ever and they I fear are convinced that the finally have a POTUS who will stand behind them . Trump is no Hitler he is just a Ego Maniac and I fear what he will unleash will be 'Headless Anger' Just groups of warlords like the ones that they have left in almost every country they have interfered with.
It is going to take a stronger GOP to stop this divisive rhetoric from doing further damage as the ones in place now are as worried about the 'Mob' as any sane democrat should be.

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 16th April 2020, 5:40 PM

No word on the militia in Michigan trying to overthrow a duly elected Governor

Overthrow? I saw no such news. I saw people peacefully protesting. We have legal procedures in place to remove a politician if the people choose to do so. This was no more of a coup than a bunch of grannies protesting Boris Johnson.

Quote: Lazzard @ 16th April 2020, 6:29 PM

It's all imaginary, Teddy.

Yes, the "overthrow" was completely imaginary.

I'm sorry but if you think that a site like this that is predominantly British in it's readership is going to be able to relate to anyone who thinks that people carrying AK47s while flouting the rules of a medical emergency are 'Peaceful' then I'm sorry you have completely failed to understand how we work.

Even the most staunch Conservative Labour Liberal and SNP etc understand that 'People with guns on the streets' is not a good thing and smacks of 'Warlord regimes ' and by definition a loss of central government.

Quote: DaButt @ 16th April 2020, 7:29 PM

Overthrow? I saw no such news. I saw people peacefully protesting..........

Ah cultural differences. In the UK semi automatic weapons aren't seen as a symbol of peace.

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 16th April 2020, 11:11 AM

...heavily armed right wing lunatics flying confederate flags have taken to the streets demanding an end to the lock down.....

It is concerning, but they will be more likely to get the coronavirus, or be shot by someone they infected. Natural selection.

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