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Coronavirus Page 31

Quote: Rood Eye @ 9th April 2020, 7:50 PM

Actor Simon Gregson who plays Steve McDonald in "Coronation Street" has coronavirus.

Simon, 45, describes it as "bloody awful".

I mention this only because I think he's a very good actor and one of the best long-term actors ever to have appeared in a British soap.

Nah.......surely he can't be only 45.

I find that impossible to believe.

Wasn't he in the Street about 40 years ago?

And he wasn't then five! Whistling nnocently

Hah. Bloody incredible. I was so spot on. Last night on LBC a media loving doctor was mentioning for the first time in any British media for more than a month that there are two types of this virus. Now out of nowhere comes this article today along the same lines except it claims there are three. This is the first anyone has said of it in news print since 6th March. I did ask whether his comments were a trailer for something. Yes they were. It was, after all, on a political programme.

I have now tried to read it. It reads like gobbledegook to me so if anyone can reduce it to about five understandable sentences for me please do. But here's a starter. Does any of this read just a tad like it is saying that actually the virus here and in the US are different from each other and both are different from some of it back in January in Wuhan? And do the excuses from Western Governments begin here and if so in what way? None of it really rationally fits together.

Further, also read in the context of another piece of news today - and it is without any question good news - that the antibodies test may be ready as soon as May but........but........proteins of the virus might in many cases be difficult to detect in virus victims. Yep right. Like it detects serious ill health - even deathly serious ill health - but not a coronavirus?

Quote: A Horseradish @ 9th April 2020, 8:00 PM

Wasn't he in the Street about 40 years ago?

You're not far out actually: he joined the street 31 years ago! Laughing out loud

I think that there must be another virus going around as well as Covid-19, it's completely invisible, distributed and propagated by clean air.

We can call it CONVIR-20, its main symptom is that it makes people believe in conspiracy theories. :)

Well, I don't know about all this scepticism about my facts on soaps and bugs. I will just be glad when this thing is over so that I don't have to keep washing my legs. I mean my hands? No I don't. I mean my legs. When one is self isolating and one doesn't have to meet people socially, one just wears one's t-shirt and one's boxer shorts doesn't one. It is all fine until the moment of the day that is just right for one's Marmite and onions sandwich. Every single time, I forget that they substituted it with Bovril and that Bovril in comparison just runs off the knife. I've already had to remove the blimmin' stuff from my knees and my toe nails three times today. It is totally uncontrollable, like it has never been house trained.

We are expecting it to start up again after the Easter holidays here.The Premier has gone hoarse telling people to "Stay Home!" But there's quite a dedicated number who remain deaf to his request.

Quote: john tregorran @ 9th April 2020, 9:41 PM

We are expecting it to start up again after the Easter holidays here.The Premier has gone hoarse telling people to "Stay Home!" But there's quite a dedicated number who remain deaf to his request.

How lucky is it that this wasn't going on about six months ago?

You lot couldn't really 'stay at home' when half of them were on fire!!!

True and a lot of them still haven't got homes.

Another 12 Smurfs have tested positive to coronavirus over the past 12 hours.

The youngest, Sassette Smurfling, aged just 27, had no previous underlying health conditions. The oldest, Grandpa Smurf, aged 539, had previously been smurfpitalized for smurf-pox.

The Covid-19 running total is now 16 Smurf infections and nil deaths.

Is that satire,Ken?

If you have to ask whether it is satire, it is satire.

So who is he satirizing ?

Quote: billwill @ 9th April 2020, 9:06 PM

I think that there must be another virus going around as well as Covid-19, it's completely invisible, distributed and propagated by clean air.

We can call it CONVIR-20, its main symptom is that it makes people believe in conspiracy theories. :)

Well it's better than naively believing everything we're fed by the media without question. Where would science be today without theories? As long as it remains just a theory and there's no urge to rush out and set fire to things.

Quote: john tregorran @ 10th April 2020, 5:39 AM

Is that satire,Ken?

This really upsets me. When is this mainstream culture of derision toward Smurfs going to end? Year after year at the Academy Awards, the Smurfs - and little people of blue color in general - are denied nominations, let alone awards. Yes, there was Avatar in 2009, but its awards were for special effects and editing, rather than for the cast members. This ingrained attitude of apathy toward Smurfs has gone on unchallenged for far too long. And it's not just in Hollywood and British comedy forums - it's in boardrooms and mosques and synagogues across the world. You might think casual smurfism or smurfophobia are nothing serious, but that's precisely the sort of smurfist attitude that has to be stopped.

It's easy from your ivory tower stall at the Red Hill Market to say that Smurfs should be grateful, but until you've paused and walked in their little white shoes, then you don't know the score. I feel you owe all Smurfs an apology.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 10th April 2020, 9:55 AM

Well it's better than naively believing everything we're fed by the media without question. Where would science be today without theories? As long as it remains just a theory and there's no urge to rush out and set fire to things.

London Live has been severely criticised for its piece on Icke's comments about 5G and Covid-19. (People were very quick to drag in the irrelevant fact that it is owned by a Russian as if that had any bearing on it). Furthermore, it has been referred to Ofcom. This follows action taken against tiny community station Radio Uckfield for similar reasons.

The unthinking natural reaction - I found myself doing it - is to feel "oh well, if some 5G masts are being set alight then this is understandable action". Mention that arrests have been made for the physical damage and it all sits together well.

Except that if you take any historical example of protests, eg against fracking or nuclear weapons or vivisection or hunting or a hundred other things, arrests were made for any physical damage, yes, and even for obstruction. But generally speaking the media outlets were free to broadcast arguments against such things, whether sensible or wacky.

So there is a difference here and it can only be one of two things. One, that 5G IS different or two, that the broadcasts encourage disruptive crowds to gather at a time when any gathering is unwise. I would be happy enough to accept the second but to accept it is rationally also to be obliged to accept too that it would have some heavier implications.

For example, it would mean that any broadcast by anyone on climate change which could stir up any three or more members of Extinction Rebellion back into direct action would similarly need clamping down on and referring to Ofcom.


There is conspiracy broadcasting and then there is truly awful media.

This load of tripe from the BBC which really should know better is titled "Coronavirus: New York using mass graves amid outbreak" and it includes depressing, lurid pictures. We have had similar in the UK from many media outlets about land clearance for mass graves at Milton Keynes and near the London Nightingale. The facts : New York State's Covid-19 death toll at 7,000 is horrid. BUT, it is approximately the death toll in New York State in less than an average fortnight.

Notwithstanding that huge numbers are in any case cremated - and one might think that cremation would be favoured in Covid-19 cases, why on earth would anyone be thinking of using mass graves to a level beyond the norm for what currently is less than an average fortnight's number of deaths in New York State? Answer : They are not necessarily.

Read through the frankly twisted article carefully and you will find the following:

"The drone footage is from Hart Island, off the Bronx in Long Island Sound, which has been used for more than 150 years by city officials as a mass burial site for those with no next-of-kin, or families who cannot afford funerals.It is probable that many of the coffins are for coronavirus victims, but it is not clear whether they fall into the above categories".

So it has been used for decades and they don't actually know if it is being used for Covid-19. It is purely dispiriting Lord Haw-Haw like sensationalism. The truth of it is this. Homeless people get Covid-19 too, homeless people are buried there, so homeless people with Covid-19 would in some cases probably be buried there. What is the difference between that situation and the homeless being buried following death from the weather or any other reason? Absolutely none.

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