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Coronavirus Page 26

Quote: DaButt @ 4th April 2020, 11:44 PM

I guess there's quite a language difference between our countries. Where I live, "savage" would be used to describe the person who constantly dehumanizes their fellow human beings and hopes for their deaths, not the person who is always polite and open-minded with everyone.

But you're right, Hillary would have singlehandedly prevented the worldwide pandemic had she been elected president.

Don't be such a stupid would-be smart arsed bastard. ( but maybe you can't help that)

I still see you as a savage.

No, she couldn't stop it, as you know well, but the dogs in the street would have dealt with the threat better than orange-faced wiggy. You just can't admit you made a massive mistake voting for a moron who's made your country a laughing stock.

I'd like to throw a grenade. Obviously in big open ground away from anyone as I think it could be therapeutic. Or fire an RPG at an ice cream van. Or blow up wax models of mothers with prams with a mortar rocket. Decimate chickens with a Gatling gun the possibilities are endless. Are there ranges like that stateside?

Our ranges are mostly paper and steel targets. You might find one that has zombies or Osama bin Laden printed on the target if you're lucky.

Throwing grenades was the best part of Basic Training. They're surprisingly loud, but the explosions are nothing like the fireballs you see on television. Here video of the real thing. If you look closely you can see specks in the video: those are tiny pieces of shrapnel embedded in the bulletproof glass.

There are ranges in places like Orlando and Vegas where tourists can fire all sorts of fully automatic weapons.

Quote: DaButt @ 4th April 2020, 4:43 PM

I'm a very good shot. I scored "Expert" (the highest level) in the Army. :D


What were you doing in the German army? Angry Does this explain why you Yanks were so late into both wars?

Quote: Briosaid @ 5th April 2020, 12:00 AM

No, she couldn't stop it, as you know well, but the dogs in the street would have dealt with the threat better than orange-faced wiggy. You just can't admit you made a massive mistake voting for a moron who's made your country a laughing stock.

Are you sure you don't secretly love him? Your endless attacks on him are typical of spurned unrequited love. And in personality you seem his perfect match. Angelic Trump Lovey :*Broken heartPirate Brio

1960s sex bomb Marianne Faithful has got coronavirus.

Strangely, her abilities to work, rest and play are not affected.

Authorities in the UK are probing a series of fires involving mobile phone towers amid concerns the sites may have been targeted because of conspiracy theories linking COVID-19 to the 5G network.
Three fires at mobile phone towers had recently been reported in Birmingham, Liverpool and Melling in Merseyside, the BBC reports.
On Friday, emergency services were called to reports that a 5G mast was on fire in Liverpool, according to The Guardian.

They may find a cure for coronavirus one day, pity they will never find a cure for being a brain dead f**kwit!

I wonder if Trump repeatedly saying China is to blame for the corona virus help with that ? Or his anger that we didn't use an America 5G solution ? Virus, Radio waves, how do you get those two mixed up in a conspiracy theory ? Mind you there are a lot of people on mums net that want their kids to get off their phones currently.... just saying.

So odd that the Marquis of Bath should sadly have died as Longleat featured in one of my pieces. I have a sixth sense. Sweden, not in lockdown of the kind many of us find ourselves in, appears to have similar figures to most other places.

What's up?


1. Why the Chinese Actively Looked For Coronavirus

It transpires that I was wrong to suggest early on that the coronavirus strategy game involving, among others, the Rockefeller Foundation and Bill and Melinda Gates took place at the Military (Olympic) Games in Wuhan. Blame that on wrong information I received. Many of you will have worked out the truth of what happened anyway. But for those who haven't, it occurred in the United States on 18 October 2019 on the precise day that those games opened in Wuhan.

That accounts for the latest spat between Trump and China, with Trump outraged at a Chinese suggestion the 300 American troops simultaneously brought the virus to those games. Notwithstanding that one of the last times the US conducted a chemical or other attack strategy game was in 2001 - less than eight weeks before 9/11, the notion that the American troops would have done such a thing is clearly ludicrous. But much of this now explains why having tested just seven people who fell ill in the Chinese market, the Chinese immediately concluded that they had contracted coranavirus.

2. Psychological Transmission

Given the timing of the strategy game and the arrival of US troops, coronavirus was uppermost in Chinese minds. As such, it was nothing more or less than paranoia. That paranoia informed Chinese minds that it was a coronavirus which they were looking for inside those patients. So then one goes to the way in which it then took off in Wuhan and arrived not so much later in Italy before crossing the world and subsiding in China. If it wasn't and isn't a coronavirus - if it isn't even a flu virus - what happened and what is going on? It isn't as if thousands of people didn't become very unwell. Well, first let's look at Italy. Astute readers will recall that with the Chinese business having been in an alarmist European media, it kicked off in Italy with the arrival of Chinese tourists. In the UK it was much the same. A Chinese student in York. And here one has to go to the nature of paranoia, to paranoid schizophrenia even, and certainly to the medical area of mass hysteria. That is, if the theory started with paranoia then it would be natural that it then travelled with paranoia.

But let's for a moment pitch it slightly lower at the medical condition of anxiety which I and many others have suffered from in everyday life as we knew it. A lot of us in our time have been shown a list by our medics of no less than 30 odd symptoms of anxiety. Many of them are linked to breathing. Breathing irregularities. Breathing constraints. Tightness around the chest. Sweating as if having a fever. Cold or flu like symptoms in the nose and throat as a consequence of inadequate breathing. And a racing or irregular heartbeat. Of course, rationally those people who suffer from other more immediately serious ailments and conditions will be impacted physically to a much greater extent by anxiety of this nature. After this, panic can set in and build upon panic so that their combination of illnesses becomes worse.

3. The Globalisation of Anxiety

This, I suggest, is what happened first in Wuhan. A localised news network bringing in that controlled media way of the Chinese the story of those who had fallen ill, the idea that it was a coronavirus, and linking it with an attack from an enemy, the United States, which inadvertently heightened paranoia as well as anxiety. Other parts of China were barely affected not so much because of roadblocks as media silence everywhere else in China. Wuhan folks who were all set to travel then took those heightened anxieties with them when they got on the plane. By the time they got to Italy or Britain, they were in two completely different minds. One, relief at escaping coronavirus in China as they believed it to be and two, new concerns about their own welfare in the West if the US had indeed attacked China in that way as they saw it.

From thereon, Western media and politicians did the rest, creating an unprecedented climate of intense anxiety and paranoia which then affected the breathing of many with other very serious conditions and with a cumulative effect. Politicians and media types were, of course, not immune from their own impacts themselves. Indeed, it was they who were consumed daily by them, hence the far higher rates of illness in such people certainly at least at the outset.

It may be worth asking the question here why it is that a coronavirus should have had such devastating effect now when in humans coronaviruses have only recently been discovered. In fact, they weren't known at all until 1937 when they were discovered in birds. In 1965, it was declared that a few very mild diseases in humans were coronaviruses but it wasn't until SARS in 2002 when they were seen to be serious. Suddenly, just 19 years later, and via the film "Contagion", here we all are with nothing in centuries of history that preceded it. No I'm sorry. That is too much of a coincidence of timing. Rationally, one might have expected someone to have gone back in distant history and renamed known pandemics coronaviruses but so far as I am aware no one ever has done. And in terms of any mutation, 19 years is a mere blink.

4. The Unscientific Method of Management

Contrast with Trump's America. it was much slower to take off in the United States. What an odd phenomenon given the number of Chinese people who travel there. That is, until one realises that Trump's unscientific bluster was a barrier. Unwise in the extreme no doubt - the man is a crazy loose cannon - but it may well have kept levels of paranoia down in popular Trump areas and with it the statistics remained low. The polarised media there was perhaps for the first time in history not entirely unhelpful. Fox News viewers probably panicked less until the line from the White House shifted.

In parallel, it is popular to say that countries which claim not to have any or many cases are lying. North Korea, some ex states of the old Soviet Union, and so on. That may or may not be true. I started with Sweden. Sweden is not in that category but nor are its figures especially high given its comparative liberalism to date. But it will not be permitted to see if its strategy is working. It will be required under ratcheted up international peer group pressure to kowtow. Elsewhere - in those regimes which always do their own bizarre thing - the fact that the political line is denial and the media is heavily censored will without doubt minimise mass hysteria. Many are probably breathing more easily in such places, That is, in the absence of a systemically induced borderline schizophrenia. So their statistics may be fairly accurate and remain low.

5. Test the Children - Learn The Truth

Finally, a brief word here about children. Children generally suffer terribly with influenza. Spanish Flu mainly affected young people. There is no intrinsic reason why a coronavirus should not impact to the same rate on children as a flu although survival rates in this age would for them be promising. For example, one coronavirus is the common cold and kids catch that and pass it on with ease too. No. Children don't understand what is happening here. They are almost as oblivious to the horrific detail as a citizen in Turkmenistan which has even banned the use of the word "coranavirus".

Consequently most are largely absent of extreme anxiety and paranoia. And while a tiny number of children in the UK have sadly died in hospital, a tiny number always sadly do. They always have serious health conditions. There is no current evidence whatsoever that there is a virus which is rapidly passing from child to child and given testing priorities and shortages there won't be information on them for a long time. It may well be that a virus isn't passing through them.

Coronavirus deaths in UK increased by 621 in the last 24 hours.

The overall UK death toll now stands at 4,934.

Quote: Rood Eye @ 5th April 2020, 2:56 PM

Coronavirus deaths in UK increased by 621 in the last 24 hours.

The overall UK death toll now stands at 4,934.

Hmm. According to the Government's own website, 300,000 die in hospital or within seven days of being in hospital annually. That's 822 daily on average. We need to start having the figures on the number of non-coronavirus deaths in those contexts. 822 minus 621 is 201 so was it more or less than 201 today? Let's have the two figures each day.

Always fair minded, I am going to say something here than I never expected to say in my lifetime. Angela Rayner and Harriet Harman are correct. My grandmother lived in a tower block flat in Harman's constituency. Current demands are cruel and as they say the expectation is too great. Harman suggests a rota for parks. I think that is totally right.

Further, never having been in favour of Lucas's idea of a People's Parliament, I think that one is needed for the next year. That would be drawn up in such a way that it enters into a contract with the Government on behalf of us all, providing a route for feedback on where the strategy isn't right. Governments govern by consent. Laws are upheld by consent.

Ministers can threaten as much as they like and with the best of intentions. I understand where they are coming from in the here and now. However, over time they will need to be aware that any serious mismatch between their demands and the majority view of a public that is aware of the facts will require tanks. And at that point, it will be goodbye Britain.

Coronavirus: Boris Johnson urged to reconsider lockdown strategy by virus adviser
Expert claims government has 'painted itself into a corner' and should reconsider herd immunity

Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ 5th April 2020, 9:32 AM

Are you sure you don't secretly love him? Your endless attacks on him are typical of spurned unrequited love. And in personality you seem his perfect match. Angelic Trump Lovey :*Broken heartPirate Brio

So now you're a psychologist? Where did you train? (Falls about laughing hysterically)

Quote: DaButt @ 5th April 2020, 12:22 AM

Our ranges are mostly paper and steel targets. You might find one that has zombies or Osama bin Laden printed on the target if you're lucky.

Throwing grenades was the best part of Basic Training. They're surprisingly loud, but the explosions are nothing like the fireballs you see on television. Here video of the real thing. If you look closely you can see specks in the video: those are tiny pieces of shrapnel embedded in the bulletproof glass.

There are ranges in places like Orlando and Vegas where tourists can fire all sorts of fully automatic weapons.

Sick, sick, sick!

Quote: A Horseradish @ 5th April 2020, 1:47 PM

So odd that the Marquis of Bath should sadly have died as Longleat featured in one of my pieces. I have a sixth sense. Sweden, not in lockdown of the kind many of us find ourselves in, appears to have similar figures to most other places.

Incredibly sad news. I could watch Animal Park for hours and his appearances were always a highlight.

Boris has been admitted to hospital for coronavirus tests.

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