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Coronavirus Page 12

Apparently, Germany has banned gatherings of more than two people.

If things get more serious and people are banned from being in the company of any another person, the inevitable consequences are (a ) no more Germans and (b) all the existing Germans going blind.

This sounds serious!

So you have to be 2 metres away from another person. Librarys, leisure centres, swimming pools, schools, and cinemas are closed. Where will all the paedos hang out?????

An 18-year-old in the UK with coronavirus has just died.

And, in Cardiff, a six-month-old boy has tested positive.

These little corona organisms are bastards but, to be fair, they're not completely ageist.

Quote: paulted @ 22nd March 2020, 7:18 PM

So you have to be 2 metres away from another person. Librarys, leisure centres, swimming pools, schools, and cinemas are closed. Where will all the paedos hang out?????

Will someone please think of the peados!

Quote: Definitely Tarby @ 22nd March 2020, 8:29 PM

Will someone please think of the peados!

I'm sure we're not too far away from the "paedos are people too you know!" brigade.
Corona's too good for this vermin.

You won't believe this but about ten years ago there was Pedo Pride day in Amsterdam. I can understand Pedo Awareness, but Pride? 'Yerse, I've traumatised 7 kids this week.' - 'Well done.'

Quote: Michael Monkhouse @ 22nd March 2020, 10:19 PM

You won't believe this but about ten years ago there was Pedo Pride day in Amsterdam. I can understand Pedo Awareness, but Pride? 'Yerse, I've traumatised 7 kids this week.' - 'Well done.'

Just searched for it and according to this website you organised it:

__header: results in 0.411 seconds__

Event: Pedo Pride
Day/Night: Day
Location: Amsterdam
Date: About 10 years ago

Organised by: melc4me
Perv Rating: 1 x marrow, 1 x pineapple (18k votes)

Quote: A Horseradish @ 21st March 2020, 12:16 PM

EVERY death so far in a patient known to have coronavirus (and this applies not only in the UK but across the globe) has been recorded as a coronavirus death.

Not true.

Quote: DaButt @ 22nd March 2020, 12:55 PM

Someone needs to lock her in an isolation chamber because you're only one tiny microbe away from King Charles. (Although he's a bit long in the tooth, too.)

They all snuff it and King Harold II (or III) and Queen Meghan return from exile to save the day, so the culture of fawning over halfwits can continue.

Quote: Kenneth @ 23rd March 2020, 2:06 AM

They all snuff it and King Harold II (or III) and Queen Meghan return from exile to save the day, so the culture of fawning over halfwits can continue.

Queen Meghan would be great. It's about time we had a hot Queen ruling over us.

Quote: A Horseradish @ 21st March 2020, 12:16 PM


............And partly it is - as I said before - a deliberate strategy for changing the world economic order permanently.

I expect the concept of money to be alive and well in five years time but only for the Top 5% and the other 95% will be organised around the concept of always having an equal number of small (electronic) pebbles.

As for liberal democracy, the diversity and identity aspects are pretty safe but that provides an excuse to clamp down hard on travel, to pick and choose when to hold elections and referendums and then which outcomes to ignore or override and to decouple unhealthy lifestyle from health support while in the long term not actually banning anything much.

(On the latter, the curve ball will be legalising dope - it will as a trick look like greater liberalism but if it turns out to have unknown damaging effects several decades on, no state will be picking up the bill to repair health).

All of which is kind of a fascism obscured by adherence to minority rights and - with reductions in movement - sensitivities to the planet so that it can almost look like something other than fascism and quickly gain widespread compliance. Which it will at least do among those who are currently very young.

I have a few problems with this. The people in charge care about the economy above all else. This pandemic is taking a wrecking ball to the world economy and world markets, which is going to take us years to recover from. And if the ultimate plan is to usher in some form of selective fascism, then that isn't going to help the economy. In fact any kind of totalitarianism is bad for economic growth. Look at totalitarian regimes in history and they're all poor.

I think I've said it before, I enjoy a good conspiracy theory but the ones connected to coronavirus lack logic.

Quote: chipolata @ 23rd March 2020, 6:49 AM

Queen Meghan would be great. It's about time we had a hot Queen ruling over us.

I have a few problems with this. The people in charge care about the economy above all else. This pandemic is taking a wrecking ball to the world economy and world markets, which is going to take us years to recover from. And if the ultimate plan is to usher in some form of selective fascism, then that isn't going to help the economy. In fact any kind of totalitarianism is bad for economic growth. Look at totalitarian regimes in history and they're all poor.

I think I've said it before, I enjoy a good conspiracy theory but the ones connected to coronavirus lack logic.

Thank you for your comments. I always appreciate someone bothering.

I've never been an economist but I think it goes like this. Tell me where I am wrong. Let us say for the sake or argument that the impacts global warming could reduce the money in all business globally by 60% in the next 30 years. Obviously the percentage would be higher or lower individually depending on where the business was located and what it entailed.

And then let us say the green economy could make up some of the difference once fully up and running but the overall economy would still be operating at 75% of what it is currently. Until now business behaviour and consumers' behaviour has shifted greenwards only marginally. It looks set never to adapt until it's too late unless it has reasons to be pushed.

What happens in the next 30 years without coronavirus ever happening is that there is slow decline of the global economy as global warming impacts are slight and then a rapid decline when they become severe. Given that the planet is so mucked up, that is entirely unrecoverable. Business along with other things becomes a shadow of its former self.

But if policy on coronavirus can trigger a comparatively minor cataclysm now with behaviour changing radically and business having to be far more quickly greened and restructured, the big hit is taken now so it isn't even bigger two decades on with a planet falling on its side. Business won't be what it was but it will be stronger than the alternative.

So, that virus peak in Mr Vallance's graph. The one which he wants to lengthen, flatten and broaden so that the NHS can cope better. It could equally be read on a thirty year time frame as the ice caps melting with the equivalent to the NHS here being business in the global economy itself needing more time to adapt to global warming. In both cases, this time can be gained by a short sharp shock now in which things are done differently more quickly by reluctant human beings.

What do you think of this idea?

One other thing I believe is that these manipulators know the power not only of visual imagery but numbers.

On the visuals first, when I was a child there was news at breakfast, lunch, tea and 9/10pm and nothing else. It was mainly just a newsreader with a few brief still pictures occasionally behind him in the distance. And in terms of WW2, only troops saw the gore as everything was in newspapers or on radio. In this era, a bludgeoning visual propaganda is easier.

More interestingly - and less obviously - numbers of deaths in WW2 were played down or not even mentioned to boost national morale. Do you know how many were killed? No. Nor do I. And when you think about it, ie how all of the war and post war generations "see" death purely in terms of numbers, we all think about it as around a hundred per annum.

It's 93 celebrities, four neighbours, two friends and our old Auntie Mabel. Of course, we know it isn't just them but that is sort of the vibe based focus. So as soon as huge numbers are mentioned as they are right now with this virus, it seems radically different and it is dramatic in its impact when in fact it is more in the ball park of how things are normally.

Quote: A Horseradish @ 23rd March 2020, 10:27 AM

Thank you for your comments. I always appreciate someone bothering.

I've never been an economist but I think it goes like this. Tell me where I am wrong. Let us say for the sake or argument that the impacts global warming could reduce the money in all business globally by 60% in the next 30 years. Obviously the percentage would be higher or lower individually depending on where the business was located and what it entailed.

And then let us say the green economy could make up some of the difference once fully up and running but the overall economy would still be operating at 75% of what it is currently. Until now business behaviour and consumers' behaviour has shifted greenwards only marginally. It looks set never to adapt until it's too late unless it has reasons to be pushed.

What happens in the next 30 years without coronavirus ever happening is that there is slow decline of the global economy as global warming impacts are slight and then a rapid decline when they become severe. Given that the planet is so mucked up, that is entirely unrecoverable. Business along with other things becomes a shadow of its former self.

But if policy on coronavirus can trigger a comparatively minor cataclysm now with behaviour changing radically and business having to be far more quickly greened and restructured, the big hit is taken now so it isn't even bigger two decades on with a planet falling on its side. Business won't be what it was but it will be stronger than the alternative.

So, that virus peak in Mr Vallance's graph. The one which he wants to lengthen, flatten and broaden so that the NHS can cope better. It could equally be read on a thirty year time frame as the ice caps melting with the equivalent to the NHS here being business in the global economy itself needing more time to adapt to global warming. In both cases, this time can be gained by a short sharp shock now in which things are done differently more quickly by reluctant human beings.

What do you think of this idea?

Well, there are a few interesting ideas here. But ultimately I don't buy the idea, knowing humanity, that there is some uber-powerful yet secretive group with the ability to engineer something like this. And nobody seems to be able to come up with any actual concrete evidence of such a group existing.

Personally, I can't help but thinking that after this has blown over man and business will just bounce back to exactly where it was before the crisis. But time may well prove you right.

Any chance of a re run of C4's brilliant 'Utopia' might be a good time to make the third series?

Boris is under mounting pressure to increase restrictions on public mobility.

For some reason, he seems to think that curtailing people's freedom is somehow wrong in these circumstances.

If large numbers of British people were throwing themselves into a volcano for some reason, I could perhaps understand his thinking that it was their right to do so.

However, throwing oneself into a volcano does not directly bring about physical injury to others, whereas walking around Britain willy-nilly under the present circumstances could indeed bring about the illness and deaths of other people.

It's not as if the free-walkers are a danger only to other free-walkers. They are a danger to huge numbers of people who are wisely observing social distancing but who, for whatever reason, might nevertheless find themselves infected, either directly or by subsequent domino-type transmission, by one of these free-walkers

Get a grip, Boris!

Quote: chipolata @ 23rd March 2020, 11:47 AM

Well, there are a few interesting ideas here. But ultimately I don't buy the idea, knowing humanity, that there is some uber-powerful yet secretive group with the ability to engineer something like this. And nobody seems to be able to come up with any actual concrete evidence of such a group existing.

Personally, I can't help but thinking that after this has blown over man and business will just bounce back to exactly where it was before the crisis. But time may well prove you right.

Very reasonable.

So Nadine "I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here" Dorries, 62, returns fresh faced to greet MPs after 16 days in quarantine. Make that the 14 days required of the rest of us plus a weekend for being a privileged person and a jolly good sport.

What has she to teach? That being in a jungle had helped her, albeit one that is probably in reality indoors. I have always reckoned it was a studio in Middlesex although it could be in Essex. That her mother, 84, recovered from it within a day to look after her daughter although was puzzled about it all in that typically doddery way of the over 35s. Oh and that Nads lost all taste so even tea tasted of nothing for which read "so don't bother plebs fighting yer way around a supermarket for yer luvverly schwarzwald gateau. Back to yer hovels while you are still lucky enough to have yer tastebuds. Schnell."

Next, when one looks at the face of Liz Truss in the adulatory Parly Fan Club's scenes of greeting to this extraordinary resurrection, well, there hasn't been a more gooey eyed display of MP awe since Miliband became a groupie of Thunberg. But it is the stoicism of the aforementioned Mammie Dorries which is of greatest merit here. That one day recovery. It's a miwacle as Toyah used to say and frankly on a par with the immaculate conception. This writer wishes her well. But what am I saying? As Italian hospitals are bumping off all of their 60 year olds, she is well. Really well. And that is excellent.

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