British Comedy Guide

I miss the old days of the BCG...

...when people on here were genuinely funny and not looking to be offended. People such as Sooty and Charley and others who have left because it's not so much fun as it was.

Some people are just looking to be offended with their smug grins running to teacher to complain if something is not "Woke".

Why can't they get a thicker skin? For instance Briosaid and I are continually slagging each other off but do we go reporting each other? No - we take it on the chin - understand how it's expressed and then hit back in a similar manner.

I've been guilty of that of late I think its because they make you pay to put stuff up in Critique so there is scant incentive to try and get comedy going in the General thread as its more conversational than anything.

No offence taken by me in the woke discussion, let me assure you! No 'teacher' was involved and the only person offended so far seems to have been Chappers himself. What's the phrase? Man up! I'm off to read the Daily Express now...

Genuinely did not know what 'woke' was...had to google it.

I suppose i am about 10% woke, 95% old fart, 3% funny and 8% crap at maths...

To be honest, 'woke' has just become yet another term of abuse to dismiss the people whose opinions you don't like (similar to PC Brigade etc.). As for the forum, I think generally forums aren't as popular as they used to be. Quite a few struggle nowadays.

Chip I doubt that as I work on Facebook page that has at least 20- 30 ,000 replies to the memes they put up often within 6 hours. People will always want to talk and express themselves, its all about bringing them in and engaging them in a way that they want to come back.
This page was great for me when I was in the dumps but it no longer has any comedy output for people who haven't paid. its now just a talking shop and the people talking often don't agree with each other,

Yeah, but I think people have migrated from niche forums like this to places like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Chip I agree but there's a reason why migration and stagnation rhyme. You need to be proactive and reach out , you need to bring people to you and entertain them when they there,
It takes a bit of savvy and some comedic content but it can be done, its just deciding to do it and then doing it.

I remember when it was just a page on Ceefax.

Whats the page number I'll look it up as I still get all my footy info off page 302

Quote: Paul Wimsett @ 29th January 2020, 3:10 PM

I remember when it was just a page on Ceefax.

Ceefax? I remember when it was chiselled into stone.

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 29th January 2020, 1:14 PM

What's the phrase? Man up! I'm off to read the Daily Express now...

I think it has to be Person up. I'm considering reporting you.

Is that a joke ?

Quote: Chris Hallam @ 29th January 2020, 4:45 PM

Is that a joke ?

From me? YOU must be joking.

Quote: playfull @ 29th January 2020, 1:49 PM

Genuinely did not know what 'woke' was...had to google it.

Me too (if you'll excuse the further connotations thereof).

Quote: Teddy Paddalack @ 29th January 2020, 3:16 PM

I still get all my footy info off page 302

Only until tomorrow though unfortunately. Then, when I get home late and want to check the football results, I shall have to switch on the computer.

I go by my dog as he listens to it on the radio while we're out and if he's in bed when we get back it means Everton have lost. if he's asleep on the couch it means we drew and I've only had him 10 years so I have no idea what he'll do if we win .

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