Quote: chipolata @ 7th December 2019, 10:16 AMWhat a hateful bullying turd Elon Musk is. Proof that money means you can get away with anything.
I agree and am amazed at the ruling. I remember as the crisis unfolded and how the world media was centred on the progress. I've read through the wiki entry a few times to understand what happened in detail and I am not ashamed to admit I can still choke up and get close to tears just thinking about the teamwork involved. It doesn't matter that I didn't know anyone involved it mattered because these were human beings in a crisis and it needed other human beings to work out a way to rescue them.
It was a tense time and regardless of good intentions his submarine idea was dismissed and he seemed to take it badly. That's when the public backlash was that he was using the incident as a marketing tool and I'm pretty sure that is when he made the comments. I'm amazed and also rather shocked and stunned that wasn't enough. Probably astounded too.