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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,128

Christopher Biggins recently complained that the PC Brigade are destroying comedy.

He cites the example of the Krankies quitting panto because they fear complaints from snowflakes that their act is transphobic.

The Krankies' official reason for quitting is that Jeanette's failing health renders her an unsuitable candidate for being thrown around on stage - as she is in their ventriloquist's dummy routine.

However, as we all know, official reasons are not always the real reasons for people retiring from certain areas of life.

Who knows the real reason the Krankies are retiring from panto?

My money's on Biggins.

Quote: chipolata @ 20th November 2019, 5:43 PM

It's how we got Brexit!

Prezactly, but it is also how a WTO exit has been defamed and how so many MPs believed in the (Project Fear) myth that a No-deal exit was a cliff-edge disaster that in turn caused all the delays. Had they all chipped in to perform Brexit as promised in the 2017 manifestos, we would have had a clean managed WTO exit, long ago.

All those paragraphs of terms in the T.May and B.Johnson deals would have been smaller agreements, made directly by the relevant Scientist, Businessmen and Farmers, instead of all being lumped together as one giant (on-size-fits-all) legal treaty document, drafted by The EU Commission and its Lawyers who didn't really understand the issues anyway so the terms are fudged to cover as many situations as they can think of instead of those that really matter.

As it is its rather like "The Lord of the Rings" .. One treaty to rule them all...

Quote: billwill @ 20th November 2019, 7:40 PM

Do you imagine we would not have similar costs anyway if we had an elected President as head of state instead of a Queen, or are you thinking the UK would run headless.

Which of all the lying politicians would you like as President / Head-of-State, surely not dopey Nicola Sturgeon?

Give it a rest, you silly old man. I note that of all the people who disagreed with you , you only attack me. Typical. I've obviously rattled your cage in the past. Good. One word - PAM, who didn't rate you.

Quote: billwill @ 20th November 2019, 7:40 PM

are you thinking the UK would run headless.

If a chicken can do it, the UK can do it! Laughing out loud

Quote: Rood Eye @ 20th November 2019, 7:53 PM

Christopher Biggins recently complained that the PC Brigade are destroying comedy.

He cites the example of the Krankies quitting panto because they fear complaints from snowflakes that their act is transphobic.

The Krankies' official reason for quitting is that Jeanette's failing health renders her an unsuitable candidate for being thrown around on stage - as she is in their ventriloquist's dummy routine.

However, as we all know, official reasons are not always the real reasons for people retiring from certain areas of life.

Who knows the real reason the Krankies are retiring from panto?

My money's on Biggins.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I can't say that I'm flying the flag for the Krankies or even Steve Allen but did you hear Steve today?

If interested, track it down. He is in full agreement.

For the record, he likes the Krankies, he''s a massive fan of Biggins - and he's gay.

He's also I guess of a certain age and a well above average radio broadcaster in this era. :)

Footnote - Personally I can't stand panto but I support it 100% as an institution that a lot of people enjoy. And it is a bit like books. People will say to me a title and I will immediately name the author. They will consequently ask "so you have read it then?"I say "no - not only that but I haven't got a clue what it is about. It is just the way I work. I pick this up along the way". So then it gets back to Biggins. Not my kind of thing,. Have seen him in bits on TV. Never seen him live, Can't say I know him but I do know he is Mr Panto and is to be listened to as someone of authority. Whatever people say which disagrees, I am bound to take his side as he has a brain, knows what he is talking about and isn't going for controversy.

Quote: Rood Eye @ 20th November 2019, 7:53 PM

Who knows the real reason the Krankies are retiring from panto?

Surely the real reason that the Krankies are retiring from panto is that Jeanette's too busy running the SNP.

Quote: Briosaid @ 20th November 2019, 8:15 PM

Give it a rest, you silly old man. I note that of all the people who disagreed with you , you only attack me. Typical. I've obviously rattled your cage in the past. Good. One word - PAM, who didn't rate you.

An endorsement or lack thereof from Pam Ayres is hardly evidence of the Royal family plundering the public purse.

Anyway, I hope you lot [collective BCG members and British public] are satisfied now. Your constant braying against Randy Andy's proclivity for costly call-girls has prompted him to step aside, giving more work and grief to his old mam, so don't be surprised if she jumps the twig within a decade and you're left with King Charles to cheer.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 20th November 2019, 11:09 PM

Surely the real reason that the Krankies are retiring from panto is that Jeanette's too busy running the SNP.

Don't be silly. She hasn't the brains. My opinion of the Krankies is that they're bloody creepy. You probably don't have a quarter of Nicola's brain power.

As to Andrew, don't be surprised iif he suddenly 'dies' in the near future - you heard it here first.

Quote: Kenneth @ 20th November 2019, 11:28 PM

King Charles

I doubt Britain will ever have another King Charles.

If Charles does ascend to the throne (and Indian mystics at the time of his birth prophesied that he never would), I think he might take the title King George VII.

Historically, King Georges have had a rather better time of it than King Charleses have.

Quote: Briosaid @ 20th November 2019, 11:37 PM

As to Andrew, don't be surprised if he suddenly 'dies' in the near future - you heard it here first.

You might well be right.

Not a lot of people know this but "suiciding" people is an actual thing.

If you have any friends in the police force or the prison service or the security services, they'll tell you it's a perfectly normal procedure.

Of course, it doesn't always have to be suicide: there are accidents, murders and mysterious fatal illnesses with rapid onset.

Never annoy powerful people - that's my advice.

And, you don't even have to annoy them to get yourself bumped off.

The personal physician to the Queen's father (George VI) freely admitted that, as the King lay dying, he murdered him on the instruction of palace officials so that the Times would be able to print the news rather than the "common" evening papers.

Quote: Briosaid @ 20th November 2019, 8:15 PM

Give it a rest, you silly old man. I note that of all the people who disagreed with you , you only attack me. Typical. I've obviously rattled your cage in the past. Good. One word - PAM, who didn't rate you.

Actually I don't give a damn about you, I commented on what someone else said and you butted in, so give a rest you sill old woman. I don't attack you, I merely try to reason with you, but you don't listen to reason. And why are you bringing up references to Pam, someone you were so unconcerned about at the time that you didn't try to find out what had happened to her.

And who was it that actually found out?

I'm surprised that you say Pam didn't 'rate' me, that wasn't my impression at all but then we only have your word for it and the contents of Pam's forum has long been destroyed so there is no proof of your spiteful assertion.

However, here's an email I got from Pam on the 25th July 2005, which contained 7 photos of Pam and the following text:
Hi Bill, sent you some others from my days at Granada. I finished there 3 years ago. Got a feeling they might be too big, but hey, you're the IT man. I'm just gobsmacked I was able to send them I have sent them haven't I.

Pam xx

Note the two xx after the sig.

And my reply later that day:

Hi Pam,

> I have sent them haven't I.

You have indeed. I've got broadband here so big files are not a problem, but I think you have dialup so it probably took you ages to send them.

Coo all those famous people you know!

Bye for now.
All the Best

Relationships between people on Internet forums can be volatile, to say the very least.

They say love and hate are two sides of the same coin.

No names, no pack drill but believe me - I know.

Quote: Rood Eye @ 20th November 2019, 7:53 PM

Christopher Biggins recently complained that the PC Brigade are destroying comedy.

He cites the example of the Krankies quitting panto because they fear complaints from snowflakes that their act is transphobic.

The Krankies' official reason for quitting is that Jeanette's failing health renders her an unsuitable candidate for being thrown around on stage - as she is in their ventriloquist's dummy routine.

However, as we all know, official reasons are not always the real reasons for people retiring from certain areas of life.

Who knows the real reason the Krankies are retiring from panto?

My money's on Biggins.

Whilst I freely admit that Christopher Biggins has one of the most astute comedy minds of the last one hundred years, I can't help but feel that two people in their seventies retiring has more to do with old age and poor health than the evil march of the jackbooted PC Brigade, stomping all over fun and laughter and all things good.

Quote: Rood Eye @ 20th November 2019, 5:03 PM

Andrew receives £5000 per week pocket money from his mum plus about £400 a week from his Navy pension.

Following the news that Andrew has, at the request of the Queen and Prince Charles, stepped down from his official duties, were are now told that he will no longer receive the £250,000 per year from his mum.

Accordingly, it looks like Andrew is going to have to struggle by on his Navy pension of £20,000 per annum.

Many years ago, a friend of mine (just for a bit of fun) used to avail himself of the services of a street prostitute in Manchester who charged him £1 per time - out of which she had to pay 10 shillings (now 50p) to the owner of the premises she used for her business.

I know sexual services are nowadays somewhat more expensive than they were in my youth but I think it's probably true to say that, on the three occasions Andrew is alleged to have had sex with the girl at the centre of the scandal, he was unwittingly buying the most expensive f***s in the history of the world.

Ever since these allegations surfaced, it's been unclear to me how the young woman was "forced" into having sex with Andrew.

Now, however, I have a theory.

Could it be that when Jeffrey Epstein suggested she should have sex with Andrew and walked towards her with his arm extended, and $15,000 in his hand, she thought that if she refused, he was going to beat her to death with the money?

Quote: Rood Eye @ 21st November 2019, 12:38 AM

Relationships between people on Internet forums can be volatile, to say the very least.

They say love and hate are two sides of the same coin.

No names, no pack drill but believe me - I know.

I expect you are laughing fit-to-bust as back in 2005 etc you were the 'baddie'.

While finding that Pam email above I found another which said you had banned me from your forum. Odd that, I don't ever recall joining your forum.

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