Rood Eye
Tuesday 12th November 2019 5:28pm [Edited]
4,103 posts
Russell Howard appears to have gone all "Frankie Boyle" on us.
A woman whose 12-year-old daughter is a wheelchair-user has installed a ramp to allow her daughter access between the pavement at the bottom of the front garden and the front door of the house which is somewhat elevated from the road on which it stands.
(There is a photo of the house below.)
The ramp comprises about 10 sections, arranged in a zigzag pattern, each one the width of the garden and each one going slightly uphill from the one before it.
Clearly, therefore, the journey from the front door to the pavement (or vice versa) is considerably longer than it would be under normal circumstances.
In his stand-up, Russell joked: 'Can you imagine what that'd be like if you forgot your wallet?
He went on: 'The only good thing about that - you're not getting bothered by Jehovah's Witnesses.'
It's funny: as a joke in itself, I like each of them - especially the JW one.
The snag is that, when writing or telling a potentially offensive joke, one has to decide whether or not the funniness of the joke outweighs its offensiveness.
The audience thought the joke was very funny indeed.
The 12-year-old girl and her mother, as might be expected - not so much.
Although absolutely typical of Frankie's traditional humour, this represents something of a departure for nice guy Russell Howard.
I have a feeling he didn't think it through.