Rood Eye
Tuesday 5th November 2019 12:19pm [Edited]
4,103 posts
A couple of years ago, a granny in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, was given a micro-pig as a present by her granddaughter who had bought the animal for £60 from somebody on Facebook.
The piglet, who she named "Twiglet", lived with the granny in her flat.
Twiglet lived a life of luxury, using a litter tray when necessary, sleeping on a single mattress on a bed of straw and thoroughly enjoying her diet of Chinese takeaways, chocolate and porridge.
Fast forward to the present day and the granny has departed this life, leaving her family with the task of rehoming Twiglet.
Not a difficult task, you might think. I mean, who wouldn't like a micro-pig as a pet?
The snag is that Twiglet is no longer micro: she weighs 30 stone and is the size of a young elephant.
Another snag is that Twiglet couldn't be persuaded to tackle the stairs leading from the granny's flat to the outside world.
So, enter the Fire Brigade, the RSPCA and the Green Vets!
After much huffing, puffing, pulling and pushing, Twiglet was eventually sedated and removed from the flat and is now living happily at an animal rehabilitation centre.
According to reports, she's as happy as a pig in sh . . . effield.
Do you see what I did there?