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Fat guy walks into a shop. Page 4

Quote: sootyj @ March 11, 2008, 11:25 PM

A producer of what.....

Zanetti Parmigiano Reggiano....


Quote: DIKTURNIP @ March 11, 2008, 10:53 PM

As I explained earlier it's got nothing to do with being fat. I believe fat people can be funny and are still targeted relentlessy,R.Gervais' (FAME)being a prime example, but that's not what this sketch is about at all. Oh I give in. It's like trying to explain a joke to a bunch of old women. I accept it's not original or particularly funny, but it's certainly not about suggesting "fat people are gross" even if some of them are!

Laughing out loud Don't worry about it Dik. I think people were more offended about the fact that its a recycled joke that has not been added to. If you weren't allowed to insult anyone then comics would go out of business.

I always say this but i'll say it again. Theres nothing wrong with using old jokes as long as you put a twist on it that adds to it and transforms the joke from what it was originally. Why don't you have the guy pull out chocolate money or something like that.

Quote: sootyj @ March 11, 2008, 11:11 PM

Alas my initial point is that, the joke came over as nasty, in it's style.

This was compounded by the fact, it was just to obvious to be funny.

I'm just trying to help you be funnier Dick. The exact same thing I do when I put my stuff up.

As for sensitivity, I always start my routine (or at least till it got dated)

"It's been a terrible year for me, ever since Bernard Manning died. I've been named the number one suspect in who ate all the pies."

Always gets a laugh, and puts the audience at ease.

The fact that I consider you a hypocrite for belligerently defending your right to insult one part of society. Whilst not have another part insulted. That DIck, is what is known as a side issue.

And the fact that you claim I'm having a go at one side of society means you still don't get the point of the joke. And the reason you think it's fine to make jokes about kids committing suicide, but get offended about WHAT YOU PERCEIVE TO BE A JOKE ABOUT FAT PEOPLE makes you the real hypocrite.

Dik, why not try dropping the "fattist" defence and adopting the "recycled joke" defence?

You can argue whether your joke is mean spirited or not til you're blue in the face but you're rather missing the point. It's an old joke. You've added nothing to it. Does anything else matter?

Also, I'd recommend not calling your critics "old ladies" just because they don't enjoy your joke. No one is being unkind for the sake of it and all the comments so far have been constructive. Believe me, the last thing you want is for people to tell you you're slaying when you're writing dreck. Suck it up.

David has me covered.

I'm going to the pub.

Quote: DIKTURNIP @ March 12, 2008, 8:38 AM

And the fact that you claim I'm having a go at one side of society means you still don't get the point of the joke. And the reason you think it's fine to make jokes about kids committing suicide, but get offended about WHAT YOU PERCEIVE TO BE A JOKE ABOUT FAT PEOPLE makes you the real hypocrite.

Sigh, does the fact that no one has yet, said great joke, or lol, or anything like that. Doesn't that even slightly make you think, the joke wasn't funny.

You're obviously not reading my comments.

Or else you would have picked up that I am fundamentally unwilling to defend my skits, in other threads. If you're serious about your critique, then stick to critiquing the question in hand. If you want to critique that specific skit, then it's still in the critique thread, I don't wipe unpopular skits.

I certainly don't think your fattist, I think you wrote a skit that wasn't funny. If you ever read anything I post, you'll find my take is I believe everything is fair game. Self censorship is a loathsome thing for any artist to do. I think some funny fat jokes, are great, yours in my view just wasn't one.

The problems with forced marriages, and children in care disappearing. Makes me think, it's the job of comics, to start the conversation, to broach the tough subject. People who aren't joked about, are forgotten and ignored.

Maybe this could offer some inspiration?

Osama Bin Laden is talking to a deputy

Osama we have a new way to bring the west to it’s knees, it’s called KFG.

KFG, what is that a new chemical weapon?

Pulls cover off KFC bucket he is holding it has a photo of Osama on it

Sort of it colonel Bin Laden’s Kabul Fried Goat.
It is almost as unhealthy as KFC, and we have 100,000 warriors ready to fling it over English school fences at lunchtime.

By 2050 those pathetic English will be too fat to do a thing about us, not even Jamie Oliver will be able to stop us, but if this fails do we have a plan B?

We have recruited an international master of promoting junk food.

Kerry Katona walks on.

I’ve got a £100,000 year cocaine habit, that’s why mums advertise Ice land

which is one of my takes, or maybe

Which is some one else's attempt.

Or if you are really burning to bang me over the head for an old skit, might I suggest you visit the fine acceptable humour thread.

Siiiigggghhhhh! I refer my honourable friend to the comments I made earlier.

too be honest dick that is much funnier than your coke joke. it's original for a start and if you tell sootyj it's shit he will probably just say ok and forget about it. not go mad.

Acch I am off to my secret writing cave. Too write a skit so evil, it will encourage people to punch puppies in the eye, assassinate the queen, and vote for Boris Johnson.

Muha ha ha !

do you need a side kick?

Sure, what's your secret power? Enema lad, was so far up his own ass, and Scout 4 Boys, was a middle aged guy, who smelt funny, and always had a bag of sweets.

I still drink it just for the taste of it. I wonder if the eponymous hero of the sketch thread does too?

Quote: Badge @ March 12, 2008, 11:23 PM

I still drink it just for the taste of it. I wonder if the eponymous hero of the sketch thread does too?

Diet coke tastes of saccharine shite!
"Eponymous" - the fat guy is actually called "Fat Guy"?! How unfortunate for him!!

Quote: James Williams @ March 12, 2008, 11:26 PM

Diet coke tastes of saccharine shite!
"Eponymous" - the fat guy is actually called "Fat Guy"?! How unfortunate for him!!

Sorry James - for the degree of accuracy you require, I should have referred to him as "Man".

PS Diet Coke does not contain saccharine.

Curses, out pedantried.

... it still tastes of saccharine shite, even if it's sweetened with aspartame.

I hate sweeteners. Yeuch.

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