Friday 4th October 2019 10:04pm
35,990 posts
Quote: Rood Eye @ 2nd October 2019, 8:58 PM
Bloody hell, lofty! You think you've got problems?
There are people here who can remember looking forward to spending an hour every Sunday night with one ear pressed hard against their radio speaker so they could hear "The Top 20" on Radio Luxembourg.
That was just about the only pop music anybody in Britain ever heard on radio in those days.
Not only was the sound continually fluctuating between fairly quiet and non-existent, but you missed a lot of the music while you had your head away from the radio asking your family politely to shut the f*** up!

I'd be listening in bed and fall asleep while it was on and wear the batteries down.
Quote: Rood Eye @ 4th October 2019, 8:43 PM
Yes, Dan Dare "pilot of the future" was on Radio Luxembourg every night of the week in the early/mid 1950s.
He first appeared in the Eagle comic which was probably the first respectable not-for-kiddies comic to be published in Britain.
Before the advent of the Eagle, there were the Beano and the Dandy of course but comics featuring more-grown-up storylines had a dreadful reputation in respectable British society mainly due to the popularity of Victorian "penny dreadfuls" that depicted all manner of adult activity.
Well, not quite all manner of adult activity but certainly the most astonishing amounts of crime and violence!
The Eagle's big selling point when it came to getting past the ever-vigilant eyes of respectable British parents was that it was founded by a clergyman. I mean, you can't ask for a better reference than that!
Strangely, Dan Dare's adventures in outer space were set in the late 1990s. I'm sure that sort of stuff looked all too probable in the early 50s.
Sadly, however, they didn't quite get it right.
Nevertheless, it was thrilling stuff in its day.
I'm too young to remember that but I had the Eaglefrom about 1964 for 4 or 5 years.
Quote: Briosaid @ 4th October 2019, 9:18 PM
Old bastards who insist on putting their messages on the belt before I've emptied my trolley onto it. I've already had a few confrontations about this (which I won, by the way). Tell me why it's always bloody men who do this? Are they blind, thick, or bad mannered?
Messages? What are you on about?