So maybe you mean every question on the show?
Only Connect Page 52
You've completely lost me now.............................
Just being pedantic.
I haven't watched today's ep yet but I gather my pals did ok if Facebook spoilers are anything to go by will check it out shortly
VERY impressed with the Lexplorers - even at this early stage, if they are not in the final I'll be surprised.
Lexplorers good, though fed copious bonus point opportunities and had the easier wall. It was looking bloody grim following the Intro cringe when that first question, about soothsayers, went begging. And the question editors, McWhortle Snoffler and Hugh Bally Fool, are still forcing their names into the bantz, rendering it painful. Which in this case was simply "we're all too dumb to think of something clever and the host is too lazy to learn the correct pronunciation of Devo, gosh aren't we so witty!" -- followed up by: "I don't care if I can't pronounce Quixote correctly."
The highlight was the Lexplorer chap putting the boot in:
Host: You have zero points, so I'll give you some confidence by asking: Name 2 celebs who wear a fez?
Losing team: Tommy Cooper and Dr Who.
Lexplorer: Wrong, Tommy Cooper's hat is a kaboosh, not a fez.
Quote: Kenneth @ 10th September 2019, 9:00 AMThe highlight was the Lexplorer chap putting the boot in:
Host: You have zero points, so I'll give you some confidence by asking: Name 2 celebs who wear a fez?
Losing team: Tommy Cooper and Dr Who.
Lexplorer: Wrong, Tommy Cooper's hat is a kaboosh, not a fez.
Although seemingly very knowledgeable for someone so young, he is also a tad impetuous with his "correction", also mispronouncing it. The Turkish Fez and Arabic Tarboosh or Tarbush is the same hat and to say that Tommy Cooper wore the latter is technically wrong. There are variants with colour, height and slope, but both are red generally with a black tassel.
Oh, and by the way THIS is a Kaboosh - the type of sunhat worn by babies :-

I look forward to the Intros for the BCG team on Only Connect.
The lion, the witch & the wardrobe
Quote: Billy Bunter @ 23rd September 2019, 8:19 PMThe lion, the witch & the wardrobe
Yes, clever that one - just wish it'd been one of mine.
Herc, old thing...
Is it me , or was last night's edition SIGNIFICANTLY easier than normal?
Used to be thrilled if I got 1 or 2 sequences and ¾ of one Wall.
Last night I got 5 sequences and both walls in a matter of seconds.
I fear a slight dumbing down brief - any insider evidence to back that up?
Or have I become a genius overnight?
Quote: Lazzard @ 24th September 2019, 9:27 AMHerc, old thing...
Is it me , or was last night's edition SIGNIFICANTLY easier than normal?
Used to be thrilled if I got 1 or 2 sequences and ¾ of one Wall.
Last night I got 5 sequences and both walls in a matter of seconds.
I fear a slight dumbing down brief - any insider evidence to back that up?
Or have I become a genius overnight?
Hmmm, methinks your last line is the answer as I didn't find it that easy - some of them I thought WTF, for e.g. the Monopoly one - we were told NO Monopoly, NO Beatles, NO Rolling Stones and there was one other which escapes me now. For this current series (trying to be clever) I sent in one that related to the properties either side of the Railway Stations, but had my wrist slapped.
But NO, I can assure there has been no directive to dumb it down, and it does get harder of course with each series to come up with something totally original (now they have a data base to check it out on!! ) and will not accept anything that smacks even slightly of a previous question.
My only other observation with regards to last night is I think the VCM Trivia is getting a tad tiresome and over-long between Round 1 Connections and R2 Sequences.
One final thing while I'm on this soap-box and feel sure the Monopoly one was submitted by one of the clique. They also have this Golden Rule ( that we plebs ONLY have to abide by it seems) that the 4 connections should be all of the same genre or completely different. That is to say if it was about sport then all 4 would have to be about say football or four different sports.
And following on from that, I raise this again as I'm still annoyed (as I'm sure others like me who are - "Additional Questions" setters) from last year's Series 14, when three food stuffs were Italian and the fourth British, with Victoria acknowledging it and having a limp explanation as to why it broke the rule - bet it was submitted by one of the Editor's mates.
(Carry on London..............) Just threw that in for any oldies reading this, as they will be the only people who understand it.
Thanks for the insight.
Agree on the VCM bit!
You're welcome
Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 3rd September 2019, 12:12 PMI can't believe either of the teams didn't get the Sgt. Pepper album cover clue, considering that one of them was into Pink Floyd and presumably would have heard of The Beatles.
I got that on the first clue (!!), with the mention of Huntz Hall - a name you are unlikely to forget, especially as he was this young sprog's hero on Saturday Morning Pictures, when I wanted him in our gang.
Also, he was involved in a far more interesting bit of trivia than who wasn't on the album cover......................EVEN WHEN the fourth clue was revealed as "Madam Tussaud's The Beatles next to The Beatles", it was only when the first team had a second stab at it and FINALLY got it right. Dear oh dear.Huntz Hall was one of the lead characters, along with Leo Gorcey in The Bowery Boys films and were very big film stars at the time (1940s), especially in "Saturday Morning" pictures at your local cinema - so presumably they were, with the young pre Beatles John, Paul, George and Ringo as they wanted to include their photos on the Sgt. Pepper album
Both (Huntz and Leo) were happy with that, and permission was given, BUT Gorcey wanted a c. £300 fee, which was refused and so along Adolf Hitler, Jesus Christ and Gandhi he was not used. Not that they wanted a fee!!
Well I'm quite familiar with Sgt Pepper but I've never heard of Huntz Hall.