Quote: Aaron @ 9th September 2019, 11:07 AM
The first, from 1976, would have been my best guess. Wikipedia seems to have lists of all the shows, how/if they were broadcast, and what they contained.
Yes, thank you Aaron - read right through that article and the three 1970s ones are on YouTube, and sad to say none of them are what I saw.
Despite the "evidence" I am now 100% convinced that "Live at Drury Lane" was filmed and that I did actually see it on TV, and by the way, I forgot to mention someone on Twitter remembers it too because they asked, (nay pleaded) that I let them know when and if I found out anything.
The only thing I would say is that I can only remember the cocktail bar sketch, which is identical to the one on the audio version, AND on reflection it might not have been the BBC.
ONE DAY (maybe when I am long gone
) it will turn up and you can say "He was right you know!"