As Aaron is not keen to start a separate forum on non-comedy films, I thought I would start this thread on the excellent output of Talking Pictures TV, and to kick off..................................
Tom Brown's Schooldays, the post war version with the inevitable John Howard Davies in the title part. Again, one of those films I have only ever watched in bits on a Sunday afternoon through a beery haze; but this time, thanks to TPTV I watched it all the way through - most enjoyable! Especially as it had Robert Newton in it.
As is my want I like to check what happened to some of the main actors and was surprised to find that John Charlesworth, who played Tom's mate "East" in the school also played Harry Wharton in the much missed 1950's TV version of Billy Bunter and Greyfriars School, AND that he committed suicide by gassing himself in 1960 at the age of only 24.
How sad.