It's a different culture that neither side will ever see the others point.
As long as 30.000+ gun deaths per annum can always be referred to as criminals and drug related and so don't really count or matter there is no chance.
30.000 gun deaths every year don't count as a reason to ban them. That is what their argument is.
I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,066
Published in World Finance July

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 5th August 2019, 8:40 AMAs long as 30.000+ gun deaths per annum can always be referred to as criminals and drug related and so don't really count or matter there is no chance.
You forgot something, as I'm sure you're well aware of - suicides. They account for more than 20,000 of those deaths and they have no place in any reasonable discussion of gun crime and gun control.
Quote: playfull @ 5th August 2019, 11:14 AMPublished in World Finance July
3 or 4 billion in a nation of 330 million is chump change. I'm sure we spend more than that on avocados and toilet paper every year.

Thats 3000 a year
Might not all be dead - but 3000 kids shot by family.
keep a gun folks, the kids won't use it.
It does seem that Americans love their guns more than they love their kids.
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 5th August 2019, 11:41 AMMight not all be dead - but 3000 kids shot by family.
To be polite, I'll just say that that figure is bull feces.
Came from an American site.
In fairness to Da Butt, his president shouts "fake news" at every fact that highlights his racist, misogynistic ways. Bullies are cowards after all. Hard core Trumpists hide their heads in pointy pillow cases, and need loaded guns to walk to the corner shop. Bunch of lily livered, little girls. That's doesn't mean to say Da Butt is any of these things. But it seems to be privileged white men trying to kick of a race war currently, scared of the competition. Now we have our very own little Trump. A racist, misogynistic, little rascal. Time to bring spitting Image back, we might as well laugh about it.
I see the great Ronald Reagan wasn't averse to calling his African counterparts 'monkeys' going off recently released documents...
No wonder the world is f**ked when we all keep electing dickheads into power
Quote: lofthouse @ 5th August 2019, 4:44 PMI see the great Ronald Reagan wasn't averse to calling his African counterparts 'monkeys'
I have to admit that, in years gone by, I wasn't averse to calling my female counterparts "birds".
I don't do that today and, if Ronnie were alive, I think he also might refer to people in terms more in line with current socio-political norms.
Quote: DaButt @ 5th August 2019, 11:25 AMYou forgot something, as I'm sure you're well aware of - suicides. They account for more than 20,000 of those deaths and they have no place in any reasonable discussion of gun crime and gun control.
3 or 4 billion in a nation of 330 million is chump change. I'm sure we spend more than that on avocados and toilet paper every year.
What a heartless shite you are. How would your comments go down with the relatives of these folk?
Rhetoric is all - look at Farage.
Eww do I have to?
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 5th August 2019, 12:10 PMCame from an American site.
Which just happens to be the most rabidly anti-gun organization in the country. They play fast and loose with facts and figures, eagerly adding 19-year-old gang members to their "children shot" figures. I just did a back of the envelope check of their firearm murder count and found it to be inflated by 17% over the FBI's figure. Believe what you'd like, but an anti-gun group's figures are likely to be no more truthful than those presented by a group like the NRA.
Quote: Firkin @ 5th August 2019, 1:44 PMIn fairness to Da Butt, his president shouts "fake news" at every fact that highlights his racist, misogynistic ways.
Perhaps he's right. Consider his speech today:
These barbaric slaughters are an assault upon our communities, an attack upon our nation, and a crime against all of humanity. We are outraged and sickened by this monstrous evil, the cruelty, the hatred, the malice, the bloodshed, and the terror. Our hearts are shattered for every family whose parents, children, husbands, and wives were ripped from their arms and their lives. America weeps for the fallen.
The shooter in El Paso posted a manifesto online consumed by racist hate. In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacy. These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in America. Hatred warps the mind, ravages the heart, and devours the soul. We have asked the FBI to identify all further resources they need to investigate and disrupt hate crimes and domestic terrorism -- whatever they need.
Man, those are the most racist, race war-stoking words that I've heard in a long time.
Quote: Briosaid @ 5th August 2019, 8:12 PMWhat a heartless shite you are. How would your comments go down with the relatives of these folk?
I'm quite certain that I have a bigger, kinder heart than you - a person who routinely calls for the deaths of people due to their politics.
I have nothing by sympathy and sadness for anyone affected by the tragedy of suicide, but I also understand that it's a person's right to end their life. I think that's a rather common view in Europe, too. It doesn't matter if someone ends it all with a gun or a rope, it's all sadness in the end. That said, I will always resist the attempts of people to make political points by using suicides as a pawn in the battle to disarm Americans.