British Comedy Guide

eBay Page 5

I assume it's a UK-specific policy, as I see all sorts of knives for sale on the U.S. eBay site.

Ahhh, but what about guns? ;)

Yes, it's in the news nearly everyday now of someone getting stabbed and it appears to be a WAY over the top knee jerk reaction from eBay.

I brought up the subject of knives/daggers and even sword sticks (!!) being sold on their site and all of them were not U.S. eBay, when I had an online chat about it, but they said "you cannot compare" whatever that means. Of course, without rigorously checking each seller, which only an insane person would attempt, you have no idea if they are currently suffering a ban.

I think I have been harshly and unfairly dealt with. :(

PS Just checked - there are LOADS of carving sets and individual knives for sale on Amazon

I too have had temporary bans for selling knives on eBay. It is strange considering you can sell them on Amazon.

Quote: chipolata @ 8th July 2019, 4:11 PM

I too have had temporary bans for selling knives on eBay. It is strange considering you can sell them on Amazon.

How many bans Chip? I only ask as now I'm on tenterhooks in case I inadvertently sell something else on their banned list and receive a permanent listing ban, which I understand they can and have done with persistent offenders.

I don't have an Ebay account but it sounds like the best bet is to not list any bladed articles because it's probably an automated scanning system that flags up offending items and issues automatic sanctions. With the size of Ebay and the amount of listings they get they cannot possibly manually check them all and the customer service is probably geared to that so even if you raise it with their customer services or go down a complaints route that you would hope gets a better response, they will still give the "our hands are tied" response.

Ebay sounds like a very complicated way to sell crap that you could flog at a car boot sale or chuck in a skip.

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 9th July 2019, 12:31 AM

How many bans Chip? I only ask as now I'm on tenterhooks in case I inadvertently sell something else on their banned list and receive a permanent listing ban, which I understand they can and have done with persistent offenders.

A couple of times. Once in 2012, and then again in 2017. I was scared straight after that!

Quote: Definitely Tarby @ 9th July 2019, 1:01 AM

Ebay sounds like a very complicated way to sell crap that you could flog at a car boot sale or chuck in a skip.

Ah yes but ther's always the chance that your item is more valuable (to somebody anyway) than you realise. I once bought an old Ladybird book for 5p in a jumble sale and sold it on ebay for £95 and bought a Terry Pratchett book for £2.50 in a charity shop, which I sold to someone in the USA for £225. About 15 years ago I bought - and still possess - the programme for the 1963 Royal Variety Performance ("Would the people in the cheaper seats clap your hands and the rest of you, if you'll just rattle your jewelery...") for £650. It has only come up on ebay twice more since then (indicating its rarity), the last time selling for £1,600.

You wouldn't get those sort of prices at a car boot sale. Plus you don't have to get up at 5.30 in the morning and stand in a cold, wet field for 5 hours.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 9th July 2019, 9:37 AM

You wouldn't get those sort of prices at a car boot sale. Plus you don't have to get up at 5.30 in the morning and stand in a cold, wet field for 5 hours.

Oh yes Billy, couldn't agree more.

As I said previous this is a massive clear out for me, and what doesn't sell goes to charity or the wheelie bin.

A lot goes for what I expect BUT I have been truly and seriously gobsmacked at some of the prices my things have been fetching!
An old print I bought in the 70s had a backing board of an advertising card for steam traction engines, which I presume would have stood on some display. I put it on for 99p and it fetched £50! And there are many, many more instances.

I've done boot sales and you are so right!

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 9th July 2019, 9:56 AM

Oh yes Billy, couldn't agree more.

As I said previous this is a massive clear out for me, and what doesn't sell goes to charity or the wheelie bin.

A lot goes for what I expect BUT I have been truly and seriously gobsmacked at some of the prices my things have been fetching!
An old print I bought in the 70s had a backing board of an advertising card for steam traction engines, which I presume would have stood on some display. I put it on for 99p and it fetched £50! And there are many, many more instances.

I've done boot sales and you are so right!

Can I borrow a fiver?

He lights the fire with fivers.

Is that instead of using dripping Ste? Or do you reckon the flash git uses both, if he does then he's a 'Barmpot'

They think dripping is what a leaky tap does down there.
There's a farm shop down the road that sells the best dripping in the world.

Quote: Briosaid @ 9th July 2019, 12:37 PM

Can I borrow a fiver?

But the English ones have got a picture of the Queen on the front and a former Conservative PM on the back so you would only throw it away in disgust.

Quote: Briosaid @ 9th July 2019, 12:37 PM

Can I borrow a fiver?

600% compound interest OK? Cool

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 9th July 2019, 3:22 PM

They think dripping is what a leaky tap does down there.

I've had dripping on toast! And liberally sprinkled with salt, in the days when nobody gave a shit. :P Come the end of the week that's just about all my parents had for me tea. :(

Speaking of dripping Ste our kid use to be a charge nurse at Highroyds mental hozzy facing Harry Ramsdens chippy and he used that I think.
Harry had a Big Wheel on the car park back in the day to cater for the number of coaches he was getting
Anyway when the 'Care in the Community ' kicked in, the patients were allowed out obviously. So he often had to go down to get them after Harrys staff rang.
He said one day he was standing there in the pouring rain looking at about ten manic depressives sitting on the big wheel and he just turned round and went back and told his line manager he wasn't being paid to move people on from commercial sites.

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