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Fat guy walks into a shop. Page 3

true. however there have been sketches and skits on here that have been more than just "mean spirited", but these are ok. which is fine. different strokes (i loved that program when i was younger "what you talking about willis!" happy days) and all that. this just wasn't funny. poking fun at people is what "comedy" writers do.

I tend to agree this joke has been done to death, but just as a matter of technique the punch line is a bit lame the way it is done and would be slightly better like this:

Shopkeeper(Handing his carrier of goodies over) Right great, there you go sir, that's £14.26. Anything else?

Man: Yes, please. A Coke... an Original Coke!.. Oh no, on second thoughts make that a DIET COKE! You can't be too careful at my age.

how about:

Shopkeeper(Handing his carrier of goodies over) Right great, there you go sir, that's £14.26. Anything else? (PAUSE) Diet Coke maybe?

Man: (STUNNED) What're you implying?


Shopkeeper: (TO HIMSELF) Moves well for a fat lad.

Quote: wayne lewis @ March 11, 2008, 8:34 PM

true. however there have been sketches and skits on here that have been more than just "mean spirited", but these are ok. which is fine. different strokes (i loved that program when i was younger "what you talking about willis!" happy days) and all that. this just wasn't funny. poking fun at people is what "comedy" writers do.

I think this is branching out into a different arena. I'd be interested to talk about what's "fair game" in comedy or not because I feel I would disagree with a lot of people here!

I've set up a thread:

Quote: James Williams @ March 11, 2008, 8:33 PM

I agree with this.

I agree with that...


Quote: James Williams @ March 11, 2008, 8:24 PM

I wouldn't get too hung up on Sooty's weight!!

Perhaps his comments have been a little misconstrued; his efforts to explain his comments have, I feel, been wrongfully labelled as "back-pedalling".

I think the sketch could be perceived as being a little mean-spirited because it makes a universally acknowledged "standard" observation without taking it to the next level.

It's kind of like saying "haha, fat people are gross, aren't they?" because it's such a crude/unsophisticated observation.

It's not QUITE the same but it's still a lazy observation, and I think it would still be classed as so ten years ago.

As I explained earlier it's got nothing to do with being fat. I believe fat people can be funny and are still targeted relentlessy,R.Gervais' (FAME)being a prime example, but that's not what this sketch is about at all. Oh I give in. It's like trying to explain a joke to a bunch of old women. I accept it's not original or particularly funny, but it's certainly not about suggesting "fat people are gross" even if some of them are!

The problem really isn't whether it might offend anyone, the big problem is that its NOT FUNNY. As a "comedy sketch" it lacks the comedy part, and, as such, is a waste of space.

charisma, why do you keep repeating yourself, you said that already. If you have nothing new to add to the discussion, well I really wouldn't bother.
ps. is your name ironic?

Is yours?

Hee. Oh well, it made me laugh...

That's my real name!

Alas my initial point is that, the joke came over as nasty, in it's style.

This was compounded by the fact, it was just to obvious to be funny.

I'm just trying to help you be funnier Dick. The exact same thing I do when I put my stuff up.

As for sensitivity, I always start my routine (or at least till it got dated)

"It's been a terrible year for me, ever since Bernard Manning died. I've been named the number one suspect in who ate all the pies."

Always gets a laugh, and puts the audience at ease.

The fact that I consider you a hypocrite for belligerently defending your right to insult one part of society. Whilst not have another part insulted. That DIck, is what is known as a side issue.

Quote: DIKTURNIP @ March 11, 2008, 11:09 PM

That's my real name!

Laughing out loud

Quote: DIKTURNIP @ March 11, 2008, 11:05 PM

charisma, why do you keep repeating yourself, you said that already. If you have nothing new to add to the discussion, well I really wouldn't bother.
ps. is your name ironic?

I keep repeating myself because you seemingly aren't understanding why people don't like the sketch.

sootyj: "The fat half really was unbothered. The comedic side, was just unamused."

You said...

It's like trying to explain a joke to a bunch of old women.

Everyone understands what the joke is trying to be, you are the one who is not adding anything to the discussion. I'm sorry for sounding harsh and not being nice about my criticism, but like I've said before, if you can't handle it from someone like me, you won't handle it from a producer.

I'd handle it for a producer.... Oooo matron....

A producer of what.....

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