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Fat guy walks into a shop. Page 2

I'm with others, it's a very old observation mostly done as a "Why does McDonald's sell -Diet- Coke?" type line.

If you really wanted to make it work I think it would have to be a more comically unhealthily skit, try replacing the first stuff with things like "A bucket of fried lard" or "20 extra fat Marlboro" and see how that goes. I just don't think that diet coke line works on it's own.

I don't back peddle.

As for any other skits I have written, to me the only bad joke is an unfunny joke. Beyond that, anything goes. Comics are the people who draw subjects into the main stream. Comedy isn't only about making people laugh, it's also about opening discussions, and forcing unpleasant subjects into the public arena. Often to joke about a group in society is to draw them in (the most unjoked about minorities are often the most abused).

To be honest there are few things I hate quite as much, as sanctomonious hypocrisy. Bernard Manning was never more pathetic, then when running through his little list of people he wouldn't joke about.

A good joke, doesn't have to be small, and mean spirited (aka nasty), this one was.

Why not just write a better one?

Quote: DIKTURNIP @ March 11, 2008, 6:46 PM

I agree griff the punchline is not brilliant, but i'd love to hear a better one, thAT STILL ILLUSTARTES THE POINT. I like my dialogue to sound realistic and natural, even in a short sketch. That's my style.

If there is no better punchline, then that just shows that the "point" is not strong enough. In fact, I just don't find the whole idea stimulating or unique.

n.b. might I suggest watching the Fat Fighter segments of Little Britain. Now that is very funny, and covering the same ground as yourself.

Also similar use of naturalistic language.

With regards to a different Bugbear, might I recommend

watching "Heathers" it's very funny, and very real at the same time.

Have to say the diet coke gag has been done, Dave Spikey has an entire routine based on it...

I would have gone for...

Overwieght family at supermarket checkout, trolley full of pop, crisps, biscuits, ready meals, pizzas, frozen chips etc etc NO fruit or veg...

As last of stuff goes through mum says, "Hang I've forgotten something." she waddles off, every one waits, she returns with a pack of ProBiotic drinks, "Got to watch what you eat..."


Also saw a standup do a routine, on mum refusing to buy sprog a bar of fruit and nut.

You won't like it, it's got fruit in it.

I must admit even I have a fat bit in my stand up routine, it's mostly me insulting them but it's just been re-packaged.

It is a very sexy, very funny, and very clever film. The sequence where he's talking to his dad, and they use each others lines.

Like a John Hughes film made by Satan.

i'm more interested in this shop that sell fags, pies, chips and chocolate all under one roof! sounds like a magical place and fun for ALL the family!

Quote: Paul W @ March 11, 2008, 7:04 PM

I must admit even I have a fat bit in my stand up routine, it's mostly me insulting them but it's just been re-packaged.

That's all right then Whistling nnocently

Actually this "skit" was adapted from a quip I made in a University bar to a bar maid, as my friend bought some pickled eggs and crisps; This was in 1999, I should have written it then. I still don't think it's nasty or mean spirited though, and you haven't come up with an explanation as to why you think it is. If you're sensitive about your size, that's an issue for you to address. But there are tons of fatty jokes on the telly every week. Mine was just about people being in denial. Surely you sooty can relate to that.

didn't Mika make the fat person buying a Diet Coke observation in his aptly titled song Big Girls (You are beautiful)? i don't think it's mean spirited Dick. if the build up was for another gag then it might be funny. this isn't. but that's life. i wouldn't get to angry about it. beside i think "bad" criticism is far better than good on here, because there are far too many back slappers, etc, that if one person say's a sketch was good then SOME others tend to follow the herd, and vice versa. plus when you get "good" feed back you don't really get any feed back at all, just that they liked it. at least with bad you get some kind of reasoning. hopefully.

So it was you that invented the “why do fat people buy Diet coke…” joke in 1999? That’s cool. Up there with that Dyson fella.

I wouldn't get too hung up on Sooty's weight!!

Perhaps his comments have been a little misconstrued; his efforts to explain his comments have, I feel, been wrongfully labelled as "back-pedalling".

I think the sketch could be perceived as being a little mean-spirited because it makes a universally acknowledged "standard" observation without taking it to the next level.

It's kind of like saying "haha, fat people are gross, aren't they?" because it's such a crude/unsophisticated observation.

It's not QUITE the same but it's still a lazy observation, and I think it would still be classed as so ten years ago.

Forget all the hoo-ha about it being mean spirited, it's just a tired old joke. Don't feel you need to let people know you came up with it in '99 - no one's accusing you of robbing it intentionally. These things happen. Move on and write something new, fella.

Quote: David Bussell @ March 11, 2008, 8:32 PM

Forget all the hoo-ha about it being mean spirited, it's just a tired old joke. Don't feel you need to let people know you came up with it in '99 - no one's accusing you of robbing it intentionally. These things happen. Move on and write something new, fella.

I agree with this.

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