A large builder, mid 30s walks into convenience store.
Shopkeeper. Goodmorning can I help you sir?
Man: Yes please, could I have err a couple of your sausage rolls please.?
Shopkeeper: No problem, anything else.
Man: Oh yes, I'm on my break soon, I'd better have a pork pie too - oh and are those steak and kidney pies warm?
Shopkeeper: Well, they're not HOT, but warm enough.
Man: Yeah ok I'll take one of those, with a portion of chips please...large.
And can I have two packets of salt and vinegar crisps please...and some of those pork scratchings....and ... you got any king size Mars Bars left?
Shopkeeper: No sorry just the normal size.
Man: Oh best make it two then....and a Topic....and a Cruchie.....oh and a Curly-Wurly for the van. Right that'll do me pal. Thanks very much.....oh hang on give us 20 Marlboro.
Shopkeeper(Handing his carrier of goodies over) Right great, there you go sir, that's £14.26. Anything else?
The man pays and looks into his bag rather guiltily. He puts it back on the counter and reaches into his pocket again.
Man: I tell you what mate, give us a DIET COKE as well. You can't be too careful at my age.
Shopkeeper: No problem sir.