Friday 26th April 2019 11:51pm
Royal Berkshire
69,996 posts
Quote: jsg @ 15th April 2019, 7:50 PM
I agree really, not bad at all just very twee as you say, basically the ITV equivalent of Being Eileen. Of course the BBC then perfected the style with Mum, which ITV bought the distribution rights to.
Not quite true. ITV Studios own a controlling stake in the production company, had the rights by default - no question of them being bought.
And Pat And Cabbage was miles better than Being Eileen!
Quote: tonecapone @ 15th April 2019, 11:44 PM
Yeah I have noticed that on some BBC shows' DVD cases it says ITV Studios. It's a bit of a weird one that, the fact that they let the BBC make the shows but snap up the rights to package and sell them in the future while in the short term the shows will be banished from BBC iPlayer and never get repeated again. Must be very hard and sad for writers when the shows they work on never get to see the light of day again. Everyone has a series that they wished would just get a DVD release.
To point out further, these things aren't just given out willy-nilly. Subject to pre-existing distribution rights as illustrated above, distribution companies will bid against each other and the rights holder - be it the BBC, or an independent producer - will licence it to whichever company offers them the best deal.
It also works the other way. BBC Studios has distribution agreements with Baby Cow and Tiger Aspect, so is the distributor of DVDs for Sky's Alan Partridge shows, Benidorm, and others.