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I read the news today oh boy! Page 2,031

Nice to see Nigel Farage launching a party to help clean up the mess in part created by, er, Nigel Farage. And good to see that, like the Brexit movement, his party has no plans or policies whatsoever, just empty soundbites . Still, hats off to him for managing to find a Rees-Mogg even more clueless than Jacob.

Quote: chipolata @ 13th April 2019, 10:40 AM

Nice to see Nigel Farage launching a party to help clean up the mess in part created by, er, Nigel Farage. And good to see that, like the Brexit movement, his party has no plans or policies whatsoever, just empty soundbites . Still, hats off to him for managing to find a Rees-Mogg even more clueless than Jacob.

While most people have historically done so, there has never been any legal requirement for individuals to consider the merits or otherwise of policies on any matter put forward by any political party or politician. Politicians continue to put forward policies in the belief that essentially nothing has changed. But everything has changed. As a matter of political principle, right thinking voters cannot buy in intellectually or otherwise to any arguments about policy now that democracy has been overturned. To do so would be to endorse autocrats who have made all that they stand for politically void.

Around 2000, they began to trash the country's culture. By 2010, they had trashed the country's economy. Nearly ten years on, they have trashed the country's political; system. Much as there is no rightful taxation without representation, there is no credible society without democracy, notwithstanding that we are all obliged to accept that laws continue to apply. But ongoing adherence to those depends on an acceptance that this is a period of political transition. Democracy needs to be restored before anything else policy wise can have any credibility. And given that economic and social liberalism are inextricably linked with those who have smashed the system they are supposed to operate, those will have to go too in the interim. We have been left with no other moral option.

The problem with the Brexit Party - and indeed UKIP - is that both are wholly wedded to liberal economics much as more so-called mainstream parties are wedded to varying degrees to both liberal economics and social liberalism, ie rights. As such, they are unlikely to succeed in a way that a party further to the right of them would do. Only a socially conservative and economically more equal agenda which would traditionally have been described as fascism can now defeat the modern liberal fascism which blights every part of the political system from the left of the Labour Party to UKIP and is at its worst somewhere near to the centre.

Purely of modern politicians' making, this is now a battle between two fascisms and all policy is irrelevant until one defeats the other and then it itself is ultimately overturned. Only that process will enable policy on anything to have any future credibility and for there to be a partial though far from a full restoration of earlier rights.

I write as someone who was a Liberal Democrat for most of my adult life but would now because of all of this and no other reason view someone like Marine Le Pen as persuasive. Her line of thinking is not an ultimate solution but the only route out of what we have now and on to something different and more normal. I also voted Remain and shifted on a point of principle to Leave as soon as the result was announced. Consequently, I have no time whatsoever now for anyone who didn't do the same - it wasn't and isn't difficult - and am no longer prepared to discuss broad policy on anything with them. Ever.

Obviously I deeply resent having been placed in this position but the system and its supporters have given me no choice. And these feelings will be expressed in the way that I vote in all foreseeable future elections. It will, of course, have nothing to do with my relations with individuals of all backgrounds and persuasions which in the day-to-day world of normality away from the politics are still absolutely fine and probably in view of various aspects of my history almost certainly considerably better than average.

One thing I am acutely aware of is my ability, such as it is, to process what is in my head and to put it into words. Millions will not have that ability through no fault of their own and find themselves in a similar position just doing it without knowing why. If someone like me can be turned, then we are on the brink of something which is likely to change our lives in ways that most Remainers cannot possibly envisage. Not to heed the messages would be the grossest act of irresponsibility in our lifetimes but then this is what occurs when a sense of unaccountable entitlement goes beyond acceptable boundaries.

The Masters is THE great golf tournament and the best the US has to offer. It is reminiscent not of any golf tournament in the UK but Wimbledon with its fabulous pictures and history. Much as I was never a fan of Jimmy Connors the person but adored him as a sports professional, so it has been with Tiger Woods. And the sort of comeback we witnessed today after every issue in the book certainly meant that I was in tears in a good way.

Again to quote tennis, one thinks of the Rosewall comeback but it was more than that and. of course, Tiger's place between Nicklaus and Palmer is well deserved. The relationship with mother and especially son was especially noticeable. Alex Higgins in what - 1982? - without the schmaltz and the wifey and the snooker. That big. But Tiger cannot be Tiger without being Tiger and the reference to the kids losing in the soccer tournament was a wince. More hair will need to be lost - and the removal of the cap which indicated aging vulnerability had been the trigger for the waterworks - before we can say he has truly matured with age.

For the first time in a twelvemonth, I have really had to ask myself to what extent I feel as a Brit an affinity with the US in contrast with any residual affinity with Europe. On the plus side, both the Americans and the Brits at their best believe and promote decorum in the context of a respect for history. However, the EU's freedom of movement is not as it claims an antidote to Americanism at its worst. It is a precise replica. And now that I have checked that the BNP favours a five year freeze on all immigration - something which I don't endorse although I see the point - it is clear that such a policy is far less racist than the EU's overly Americanised free for all.

To wish as a western European to obliterate the Latvian and Lithuanian economies by taking its young workforce away and to use it as slave labour in London or wherever is racist. In doing so, to keep our working class and lower middle class youths on minimum wages is also racist because it impedes whites and even more so people of ethnicity who are more likely to be poor than rich. To sit back flicking one's hair as our cities fill up with tent cities which are packed full of Europeans who thought that we had something to offer them but actually had nothing, That too is racist.

I am delighted that Tiger won as a sports fan and a humanist. It will give the poor and the mentally and physically challenged people of all backgrounds even here in the UK a lift in their hearts which are being bludgeoned by so-called Europeans who are pale versions of their predecessors, certainly in terms of moral fibre but also rationality and believability. That is, however bald they happen to be which is as bald as bald in so many respects whatever the ages of their pates, young or old, symbolic or actual . While they are winning in terms of their ideals, they are losing amateurr soccer tournaments all the time without realising the latter are more important,

Enoch wasn't right when immigration was at 30,000 pa and could be managed. He probably would be right now when it is entirely unmanageable across 28 countries and no sensible planning can be made for the NHS or other services which are vital to the poorer ends of our multicultural communities. Anyone who suggests otherwise simply reveals the pig-headedness in their natures. Many are extremely clever-clever at constructing arguments to support their stances but the one thing they should know is that all of it is bunk especially in academic, intellectual, terms when considered arguments used to lead to stances rather than vice versa. Ta.

Footnote: Alongside my local blues rock club, I was up town yesterday afternoon for Lehar's The Merry Widow at the London Coliiseum. This is the second opera I have attended in my life and I love it. The number of people on zimmer frames aged 90 who got themselves there was a joy to behold and it was so sad re the upper tier. Packed out elsewhere but free tickets for people under 18 and of ethnicity had not been taken up. This is a marvellous place. Really marvellous.

So too is Millwall FC which I will be back at on Friday, five minutes up from London Bridge. I'm an Arsenal and York City supporter but Millwall is my third club. The area around Borough Market by the Thames has been turned into such a vibrant area, defiance against head cases without question. After a decade of being smashed by establishment bastards and ill health, I have finally reframed London. I'm back to being a Londoner who emphasises fun. Miserable media land. Get over it. If I end up being slashed by a knife, - cos I do walk a bit funny - it will be less painful than listening to tripe.

(56 years of keeping controversial vibrancy alive ) :)

(Quote from Ray - you are not predictable, you are gregarious although you do everything alone and you never let the grass grow under your feet)

Lovely stuff.

Oh dear. My wife showed me this in yesterday's paper - Tony Slattery aged 59 looking like he's nearer to 80 with a fag hanging out of his mouth.

So sad, 'cos he was so funny on Whose Line back in the late 80s.

The pitfalls of snorting Charlie. And more brass than sense.
£4000 a week on drugs instead of buying a house.

I always though Slattery had a very quick mind, like Skinner or Lea Mack, but maybe it was partly the Charlie ? Poor lad.

There are eight billion people in the world. There were only two billion when the first man walked on the moon 50 years ago. If climate change wipes out six billion, we can go back to a more normal time when most people couldn't afford to run a car or have a phone and the pop music was vastly superior. The MEP bloke in the European Parliament who has just played Ode to Joy on a mouth organ to widespread applause there is behaving like some old tramp when we are supposed to think of him and his ilk as worthy successors to Winston Churchill. Meanwhile a trumped up double-barrelled twerp aged about 21 thinks he is running the country by bringing it to a grinding halt and is virtually doing so because everyone seems to believe him. Why? The MPs who are currently on holiday again share his destructive impulses.

Check out the Instagram photos of his global travels by jet aeroplane. Look at his Gaian grandmother Dame Emma Thompson flying across the world to join in on all of the bleating. And marvel at how the 47 year old woman - co-leader, a self-confessed half pagan with a PHD in microbiology - reveals that she only took to environmentalism when taking hallucinogenic drugs in the jungle. How did she get there? Coracle? If these people had been raised in a working class council house and there were still such things as telephone boxes which they could smash up or urinate in, they would be dealt with. As it is, their obnoxiousness knows no bounds. God knows what their collective aura is doing to the ozone layer but it is unlikely to be good. We must bring back mental hospitals immediately. Care in the community has gone wrong.

(I haven't owned a car since 1992; I haven't flown since 2005; I haven't sired any children; and I have never ever owned a cow - that is proper green principles)

But here you are giving them publicity by talking about them. My heroine last night was the 70-year-old woman being lifted by the Polis for demonstrating.

Quote: Briosaid @ 19th April 2019, 12:01 AM

But here you are giving them publicity by talking about them. My heroine last night was the 70-year-old woman being lifted by the Polis for demonstrating.

But she and you do own cars, use planes and have children, yes? They want citizens assemblies which supersede governments so as to provide answers to the problems and then when asked what they think should be done they say they don't have any answers because they are just members of the public. The logic there is virtually zero.

Symbolically, these people need to:

Angelic reduce their own numbers protesting/disrupting/stopping people getting to hospitals in London by three quarters immediately to indicate to themselves and others that they have got the point that the world's population can't be quadrupled every 50 years and

(B) rather than disrupting everything and saying how awful poor parental governments are - which we all know anyway as they operate today : long gone is the partially respected patrician/paternal/maternal state - sign their own personal pledges in public never to drive, fly or breed throughout their lives as a way of promoting that as a lifestyle to others. Where are their own personal responsibilities in this? They don't exist because they are all so grimly adolescent.

Fully realise that Christianity isn't fashionable but if I had just one prayer to God it would be please please please Lord make the 20 somethings the last ever generation. Earth would be so fabulous without people as they have become. Loads of lies being pedalled. One of the twisted, probably with a ring through his nose, was on LBC this morning saying that no previous Government has supported Heathrow expansion. Wrong. Blair's Labour chose precisely that option in 2003 before putting the matter on hold. I know. I worked on it for five years, mainly as it happens on environmental mitigation.

Meanwhile, Dame Emma says that she has reduced her carbon footprint but has not, it seems, addressed the volume of what interminably comes out of her arse. I'm just grateful her father never got her voice on The Magic Roundabout. That wonderful fantasy world created on psychedelic drugs also had a heavy dose of reality which would have been completely tainted by her La-La Land peculiarities. She would have managed even to turn the charming Ermintrude into a right cow.

Loads of police at Millwall today so that they are not all otherwise deployed. No reason for them to be there whatsoever from what I could see. But then you see rich white trendy people are deemed probably nice people even though their motives are in truth extremely mixed whereas the mainly working class white old fashioned people have to be demonised.

Basically, when in the 1960s young toffs turned on the old toffs who were their parents and their grandparents they still had to have a way of ensuring that they didn't lose any money in the process. That meant bashing the straight working class white man at every turn while pretending to support everyone else. China's built 100 airports in recent decades.

Katie Renker, a member of the public, is currently on the Sky News website with one hand chained in Central London explaining why young people need to be heard when there has never been a generation of young people which have been listened to more.

Here she is in 2018 on her trip to Krakow speaking among other things about skills at using two truths to one lie and crucially, quote, her "extensive travel plans": This entire business is nothing less than an update on M25 acid house raves circa 1989 transferred into Central London with less music and spurious moral objectives. There is even currently in parallel a dope smoking festival in the London parks.

Almost every one of these people regards Freedom of Movement not only as a way of life beyond anything that has ever been known and really lives it but as a religion and yet wants other people to sort out emissions caused largely by travel and blames them for what is or isn't about to occur. .

The police cannot be faulted. Their own hands are tied by a political class which itself has become virtually anarchist. New laws are required to address what penalties should be meted out to anyone involved in disruptive forms of protest where those coincide with serious terrorist events that can't be managed adequately because of the presence of such people. As luck would have it, this matter hasn't arisen - yet - but it could easily have done.

In other words, if these forms of never-ending, unbridled escapades are permitted to continue then it is important that it is fully understood by all participants that there is an associated burden of responsibility which goes with it. That would mean them being aware of the risk of prosecution for manslaughter or similar should any of the emergency services not be able to access the victims of such an incident and save their lives.

These global slobs are a far cry from my grandmother, born 1890, died 1982, who London through and through had a respect for so-called authority figures of who she was fearfully in awe, worked until her eighties, never set foot outside of this country and rarely went on holiday here due to a lack of money. They are a far cry even from me - born 1962 -someone who didn't fly until 30 and then only for work purposes, who even to this day at 56 would not dream of going into my parents' house and helping myself to a biscuit, let alone using the cooker or the washing machine or switching on their television without a request.

A friend, disabled, liberal, laments how his daughter returns from Oxford University, comes in at all hours, 1am, 3am, pissed, music up, food spread out only partially eaten and then just left till the following morning as she falls asleep on the settee. He doesn't know what to do. He doesn't want to upset her but she is driving him mad. This is commonplace. Easy solution in my view. Just chuck her out and in doing so refuse to listen to a word she says for a full calendar year, telling her its the modern definition of democracy.

Horse! Please don't write so much!

Quote: Chappers @ 23rd April 2019, 10:57 PM

Horse! Please don't write so much!

It's clearly cathartic for him and I should let him get on with it....................

Don't take any notice Horse, of the nasty man. ;)

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