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Frankie Boyle's New World Order

I couldn't find a current thread on the show, so hope I'm not duplicating one.
For me the best and sharpest comedian around, a weekly delight. Provocative and thoughtful.

And thank God he trimmed his beard.

I've never come across anybody, in the world of comedy or outside it, who has a more original and hilarious turn of phrase.

Confirmation of his comedic genius lies in the expressions on the faces of his guests as he does his spiels to camera. When you see talented experienced comedians with their mouths hanging open in shocked disbelief at the brilliance and originality of his material, you know you're looking at something really special.

There'll never be another!

I find it interesting. Frankie Boyle's stepped it up recently, his stand up is a lot better now and he's putting his talent to better use in general. It's great that he has so many women on as well, the gender balance being something he brought up to the insipid Mock The Week who implied they'd fire him if he didn't shut up about it.

He has a great use of language and it's good that he's picking better targets now than Jade Goody or children with Down's syndrome. You only need compare this to Tramadol Nights to see which phase of his career is better.

I'm happy it's back and I hope there's more series of it.

He's in a class of his own. He is so skilled that only he can get away with attacking certain subjects, by cutting as brutally as he does. But he looks stilted in this format, a little awkward sat behind a desk, like a rabbit caught in the headlights. Almost as if he's taking direction for the first time. He seems more relaxed when doing stand up, he certainly connects with the audience better.

What perplexes me is that he often states he hates people, and yet comedy connects us, comedy requires empathy. I think it's a more love hate thing. Never the less, he's still top of his class.

"Assange has done a lot of shitty things, and one brilliant thing. A bit like Ricky Gervais"


The first time I've seen someone on TV argue for Brexit from a left wing perspective - at least we know where Corbyn's coming from now. Not much consolation for everyone being f**ked by leaving the EU, of course...

Quote: beaky @ 19th April 2019, 12:42 AM

The first time I've seen someone on TV argue for Brexit from a left wing perspective.

Most BBC journalists?

Quote: Paul Wimsett @ 19th April 2019, 5:23 AM

Most BBC journalists?

They may be lefties, but they're not leavers.

It's good to hear that there's more of this, and with a different set no less. It should be interesting to see if that changes the feel of it.

One of the greatest, funniest and most shocking comedy minds in the history of humanity.

Tragically, he's had to rein himself right in and choose his targets very carefully in recent years for fear of falling victim to the "cancel" culture.

In 2020, with so many people so determined to be offended on behalf of so many other people (most of whom aren't even remotely offended themselves) and so few people willing to tell those claiming to be offended that they really need to stop virtue-signalling and take a look at some of the things that really matter in life, you're only ever one joke away from oblivion. :(

Do you talk about anything else?

Quote: jsg @ 20th July 2020, 10:12 PM

Do you talk about anything else?

And get buzzed for "deviation"?

No chance!

In these days of 'right on' ways,
Far-from-liberated days,
A story comes to mind of a friend of mine.
Frankie boy was scared I guess,
Nothin' more or nothin' less,
The funniest guy I ever knew.
All his fans' tears fell in vain
The afternoon Frank tried to explain
That he needed work like all the rest.
I said "No, this cannot be.
How can Frankie be PC
After all I've said and done for him?"

Da da da da da da duh
Da da da da da da duh
Da da da da da da duh

Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Quote: Rood Eye @ 20th July 2020, 8:19 PM

One of the greatest, funniest and most shocking comedy minds in the history of humanity.

Tragically, he's had to rein himself right in and choose his targets very carefully in recent years for fear of falling victim to the "cancel" culture.

In 2020, with so many people so determined to be offended on behalf of so many other people (most of whom aren't even remotely offended themselves) and so few people willing to tell those claiming to be offended that they really need to stop virtue-signalling and take a look at some of the things that really matter in life, you're only ever one joke away from oblivion. :(

Your problem is virtually every one of your posts is guilty of Confirmation Bias. You have a world view and you go out of your way to interpret and distort facts and statements to support this world view. Get a new tune, mon!

You trotted out all this Frankie Boyle stuff in the Frankie Boyle thread, but when challenged on what you wanted to see him do jokes about, you couldn't come up with anything, just vague wishy-washy generalisms.

Quote: chipolata @ 21st July 2020, 9:48 AM

when challenged on what you wanted to see him do jokes about, you couldn't come up with anything.

You're making an assumption when you say I "couldn't" come up with anything.

The fact of the matter is that I didn't come up with anything.

Why didn't I come up with anything?

Because I'm not daft. Laughing out loud

There's a lovely feel to the set, and the tone is a lot freer than it is with most satire. I like this a lot.

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