Teddy Paddalack
Wednesday 13th March 2019 1:04pm [Edited]
4,507 posts
Rood lets have it right the a 2nd Referendum could be the saving of Brexit, now that everyone one knows what it entails they can still support it and vote , in the same massive numbers.
People who think a Remain win is a given are fooling themselves. Take the West Midlands the ethnic vote for Leave is massive as they know if we stop free movement of Europeans we will have to massively increase Commonwealth , Asian and Sub Saharan Africans to fill the required quota.
On the Left of Labour people know they need out in order to Nationalise industry. The fisherman want it so they can increase their catch and lower the competition. etc etc.
This whole thing is now a casserole of nonsense and it needs sorting and I don;'t see why a well informed vote by the people armed with the facts and aware of scare stories shouldn't be allowed to break the impasse,
As a caveat I would suggest that if a 2nd one is ran that JRM be made a 'Supremo' who can trigger a no deal withdrawal the next day if he has so much as a one vote majority.
That way all the lights can go out and we can get down to the business of shooting at each other from behind bins in the street