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HOW MUCH !!!!? Page 2

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 21st February 2019, 3:24 PM

IT'S PINK!! beep You never said it was pink, beep

I bet that was a lovely surprise. Looks, feels and tastes ('cos I know) just like the original pink Germolene ointment. You're feeling blessed, right now, I can tell. I'm too good to you, I am.

Zambuk is another ubiquitous cure-all I recall being lovingly administered on numerous occasions throughout my childhood.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 22nd February 2019, 8:48 AM

Zambuk is another ubiquitous cure-all I recall being lovingly administered on numerous occasions throughout my childhood.

It's a liqueur, isn't it?

Quote: beaky @ 22nd February 2019, 10:15 AM

It's a liqueur, isn't it?

My mind heard the liqueur first, too. I've certainly administered that quite frequently throughout my adulthood. Quite shocked when a friend first took a lighter and set light to it in my mouth. Far more exciting than the thimbleful of Baileys my mum used to allow me, once a year at Christmas. I remember buying my first litre of Baileys and filling a large mug with it. I felt a bit sick after, but it felt SO good! Cheers, Mum!! (she's dead)

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 20th February 2019, 11:36 PM

I'll give you a couple of quid for it...............all right a fiver then.............£9 and that's my last offer!! OK, OK if it's still squeezable £12?

Funny you should mention £9, Herc. I swear...if I see this has a bid after I post the link...just don't. Your private parts are worth more than this...just do NOT! Bleurgh! CwAAOSwajRcaaUs:rk:1:Pf:1&frcectupt=true" target="_blank">

Laughing out loud That has gone a decidedly very odd colour - the sort of pink I used to go when I had been drinking heavily the previous night.

I like the description " Condition is Used." REALLY? and "In very nice condition as pictured" REALLY!

Quote: Old Lady Leg @ 22nd February 2019, 10:41 AM

I remember buying my first litre of Baileys and filling a large mug with it. I felt a bit sick after, but it felt SO good!

That reminds me of the Billy Connolly joke about the two Scotsmen on holiday in Italy - they go in a bar and order two pints of "heavy" to which the barman shrugs his shoulders. So, they ask him what is it that the Pope drinks and he says Creme de Menthe - oh they say, then give us two pints of that. Can't remember the rest of the joke apart from them waking up semi-conscious in the street and being alarmed at being sick in green and wondering how the Pope could drink such stuff. Laughing out loud

My dad used to buy the alcohol for Christmas each year, after asking all of us (including kids) what we would like. I was allowed to sip everyone's drink, but he always bought a bottle of Greensleeves liqueur, because I loved it SO much! You can't buy it now, but if you want it, it's sold as a collector's item, I believe. Again, unbelievably expensive and hard to find. Do not drink, they warn you...because it is SO old...produced in the 70s. I miss it so much. So, if anyone knows of anything similar that is sold now, please tell. Mint cordial doesn't do it for reminds me too much of when I was a teen and our local landlord would supply it free to any youngster who was looking a bit green, after too many bottles of Pils. That would be me. :-/

Quote: Old Lady Leg @ 22nd February 2019, 10:41 AM

Herc. ...Your private parts are worth more than this...just do NOT! Bleurgh!

Quite so, bai Jove! Yet whatever happened to tactful, bashful British reserve? If Grytpype is in need of a bit of lubricant to loosen the lingam for a spot of "rod walloping", surely he doesn't want to employ a liniment. Let alone some long-expired pinkish tincture.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 22nd February 2019, 8:48 AM

Zambuk is another ubiquitous cure-all I recall being lovingly administered on numerous occasions throughout my childhood.

Quote: beaky @ 22nd February 2019, 10:15 AM

It's a liqueur, isn't it?

No. Does no-one else remember it?

Quote: Kenneth @ 22nd February 2019, 2:06 PM

Yet whatever happened to tactful, bashful British reserve? If Grytpype is in need of a bit of lubricant to loosen the lingam for a spot of "rod walloping", surely he doesn't want to employ a liniment. Let alone some long-expired pinkish tincture.

Moi bashful? Nay lad want t'ointment for bright pink itchy rim and/or plum salve.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 22nd February 2019, 3:00 PM

No. Does no-one else remember it?

No, would it be any good for the above. :$

I bought some Softpore dressings from the pharmacy counter in Asda recently at 31 pence each. I went back a week later to buy some more and they have suddenly doubled in price to 62 pence each. I don't mind a joke but bugger a pantomime.

Quote: Old Lady Leg @ 22nd February 2019, 1:36 PM

Greensleeves liqueur . . . if anyone knows of anything similar that is sold now, please tell.

I'm led to believe that Royal Mint Chocolate Liqueur tastes the same.

It's not easy to find but it is apparently in stock at the outlet below: £19.99 for 70 cl.

They take PayPal so, if your bottle doesn't turn up, PayPal will refund your money.

Quote: Rood Eye @ 22nd February 2019, 4:55 PM

I'm led to believe that Royal Mint Chocolate Liqueur tastes the same.

I miss the days when I used to make "grasshoppers" or just drink bottle after bottle of creme de menthe while chainsmoking a carton of cigarettes and listening to The Smiths before playing sport. Would that I lived in the West and could easily purchase some sweet liqueur in a fruitless effort to relive those days.

Quote: Kenneth @ 23rd February 2019, 6:11 AM

I miss the days when I used to make "grasshoppers" or just drink bottle after bottle of creme de menthe while chainsmoking a carton of cigarettes and listening to The Smiths before playing sport. Would that I lived in the West and could easily purchase some sweet liqueur in a fruitless effort to relive those days.

Blimey, your parents certainly went a bit mad at Christmas when you were a kid, didn't they! Is your mum called, Waynetta, by any chance? Omg! Spudulika??

Anyway...I would just like to cast my memories back to the Christmases my parents made so enjoyable and so memorable. They didn't have loads of money...but, looking back, they made absolutely sure they remembered what we loved most each year and tried to include all those things as the years went on.

The only thing is, they led us to believe all the insignificant filler presents under the tree were from them...and all the wonderful things we really wanted were from Santa himself. Until I found out Santa wasn't real, I honestly thought Santa was amazing and they were a bit crap at buying gifts. they even know me at all!

Therefore, when it was my turn to buy presents for my own children at Christmas, I made sure all the stuff they really wanted was placed under the tree, clearly labelled from Mum and Dad...and Santa just shoved a bunch of random stocking fillers into a small bag and threw it into their room at night. I remember telling a friend of mine that I did she also started doing it...and couldn't believe how her kids' attitudes changed towards her on the day. I mean...Santa isn't real (sorry if anyone still believes - get a grip), so he's absolutely not getting credit. Hmph!

Quote: Old Lady Leg @ 23rd February 2019, 10:00 AM

Blimey, your parents certainly went a bit mad at Christmas when you were a kid, didn't they!

No, I wasn't boozing and chainsmoking courtesy of childhood Christmas gifts. A pewter mug with a dash of Pimms (and more ginger ale or lemonade) at Sunday lunch and a glass of champagne at Christmas tended to be the extent of parentaly-provided libations in my pre-teen years.

I don't recall ever buying the Santa myth. I remember in kindergarten, one boy declared he had stayed awake at night and witnessed Father Christmas come into his room with a sack of presents and put some at the end of his bed. Our teacher was a stern old lady and she asked him if his story was really true. He insisted he had seen the bearded bloke in red. She then called him a liar and made him stand in the corner for the remainder of the lesson. Education was plain and simple back then.

Quote: Kenneth @ 23rd February 2019, 10:16 AM

No, I wasn't boozing and chainsmoking courtesy of childhood Christmas gifts. A pewter mug with a dash of Pimms (and more ginger ale or lemonade) at Sunday lunch and a glass of champagne at Christmas tended to be the extent of parentaly-provided libations in my pre-teen years.

I don't recall ever buying the Santa myth. I remember in kindergarten, one boy declared he had stayed awake at night and witnessed Father Christmas come into his room with a sack of presents and put some at the end of his bed. Our teacher was a stern old lady and she asked him if his story was really true. He insisted he had seen the bearded bloke in red. She then called him a liar and made him stand in the corner for the remainder of the lesson. Education was plain and simple back then.

One Christmas, I nearly forgot to put Santa's gnarly sack in my kids' room, so quickly went to do it. I kicked something rattly and heard one of them stir, so I froze and hoped they wouldn't suddenly sit up to see what had made the nosie. Behind me, the moonlight was pouring in through their thin curtains, so if they had woken up, they'd have been completely traumatized from then on, by the silhouette of a half-naked lumpy woman in just her bra and knickers, standing over them...staring.

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