British Comedy Guide

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I'm going to say that we're going to build a great beautiful Northern wall

That's a great call sir

Yup, no longer will we as a country tolerate attacks by starving polar bears using the global warming myth to attack Americans in their own trailers

But will the base swallow that sir, there hasn't actually been any attacks

They're coming there's a caravan load of them just outside Nunavut

You know what the commie press are like sir. They'll try and spoil it by telling people that's over 3 and half thousand kilometres away

I'll just say it in miles that makes it sound closer

Excellent .. there is one other thing


We crunched the polling data sir and the base aren't happy, we think it's because these bears are white?

Ok , so we'll just say they're the faggots ones who can't handle the heat in the North Pole

Great call sir

This is basically quite funny but it does have some puzzling elements.

1. I've never heard of Nunavut and, although I was able to pause my reading of the sketch in order to Google it, I wouldn't have been happy to do that while watching it performed on TV.

2. A caravan load of polar bears? That's a puzzling expression because a caravan in normal English usage is a little house on wheels that is pulled behind a car. There's no way polar bears could travel in a caravan without human assistance and, even so, you wouldn't get many in a caravan. Of course, a caravan can also be a convoy (which makes a lot more sense in this context) but a caravan "load" does strongly suggest we're talking about the little house on wheels. Even if you delete "load", the vast majority of viewers will still imagine the little house on wheels.

3. I'm not sure what is meant by "the base" swallowing the story. In context, I assume it means the American people (the electoral base?) but, on first hearing, I was put in mind of an army base.

4. I didn't immediately understand why the base should be unhappy that the polar bears are white. After some thought, I decided they were unhappy because white creatures were being denied access to the USA whereas, under strict immigration policy, it's usually non-whites that are kept out. If I'm right, it's a funny line once you understand it, but it's not immediately understandable.

5. Lastly, there is absolutely no way you can say "faggots" in Trump's last line without causing massive offence to millions of people who were previously enjoying the sketch. The correct word to use in that last line is "pussies".

1) You're spot on Nunavat is too obscure, I was probably trying to be a smart arse ( I am prone to this)
2) The caravan is what he cites as the movement of migrants
3)The Base is what they call his followers
4) The Base is also seen as containing a lot of right wing racists, the aim being they like white bears and dislike black bears
5) As for Faggots/ Pussies the same people would be offended .
This could be down to me watching way too much American news as it may have bastardized my sketch.
But as always I love the fact that you take time to read and offer advice as in the main its spot on, I think this one failed as it was more for a CNN viewer than anything.
But once again thanks for the read and the feedback as it keeps me in check .

I know of Nunavat!
there's an obvious missing gag here......the snowflakes!!

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