Old Lady Leg
Thursday 14th February 2019 5:11pm
Complete and utter Kent
449 posts
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 14th February 2019, 2:13 PM
I had no other excuse so said 'because I don't want to.
Now, THAT is so me. Over the years, I've come to the conclusion the only thing you can say to people who just won't leave off, is, "I don't want to." Even then, some people still come back with, "But, if you just..." and it can take a good few...but I still don't want tos...until they finally get the message.
A mum at the school is constantly asking me to go to her house for a bottle of wine (or ten, I fear) in the evenings. I started by politely telling her all sorts of different reasons, like...I'm busy tonight (never busy)...I have family over (I don't have any family)...My kids don't like me to go out in the evenings (they couldn't give a f**k). You see where I'm going with this. She's one of these people who just keeps saying, "Yeah...so if you pop over at about..." like I hadn't even said no in the first place...like she can't hear a NO to any question she asks. I'd say, "But I already have things going on tonight, though." She'd reply again with, "Well...I can come to you at around, say, 7?" ...and so it would continue and my inner me would be like...CAN YOU HEAR ME, MATE!!
So, yes, my 'go to' reply now is always, "I don't want to." Even then, I put a slight grin on to help the situation, which can often lead to them thinking they can still persuade me. I think I'm at an age now when I just want to be impenetrable in every way possible! Yes ALL!
Quote: Briosaid @ 14th February 2019, 4:29 PM

That's given me my laugh for the day. It's amazing how brass-necked some people can be about getting lifts.
No where near as impressive but here's my story. When we were getting the cellar converted, the main joiner used to show up at half past 6 every morning, so over the months it took, we were exhausted from the early rises. You could be in the toilet and hear the rickety van coming down the street, so there'd be a scramble. All the neighbours were impressed that he'd start so early. We knew he made a cup of tea when he arrived (the workmen were left to see to themselves in the kitchen as required) but what it took us ages to discover was that he'd make his tea then sit down in the cellar reading his Daily Record till EIGHT O'CLOCK at which time he'd start work. He was a good workman though.
The thing is, he knew he could be found out at any time and still just turned up early and sat there for a couple of hours anyway.