Rood Eye
Thursday 7th February 2019 10:17pm [Edited]
4,103 posts
I think it's worth pointing out that the video is from a genuine TV police series ("Bluey") from 1976. The original audio track has been removed and the movie redubbed with completely new comedy dialogue in 1992. The resulting audio/video combination was retitled "Bargearse" and broadcast as part of "The Late Show".
I've seen serious video redubbed with comedy dialogue before (haven't we all?) but it's always been obvious to me that I was watching serious video redubbed with comedy dialogue.
In the case of "Bargearse", however, I was fooled completely. I thought I was watching a genuine and really funny police-based TV comedy show. The soundtrack looks as if it's out of sync but I've seen that on lots of old video footage. It took me quite a while to realise what I was watching.
I'm only 14 minutes into it but I'm already ready to declare it one of the funniest and cleverest pieces of comedy I've ever seen.
If it were a genuine and original comedy product, it would be very funny but the fact that it's original serious video redubbed brilliantly with comedy dialogue makes it absolutely sensational.
I give Australia ten out of ten for "Bargearse".
P.S. I've now watched the whole thing and I can sum it up in one word: su-f***ing-perb!