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Catastrophe - Series 4

I'm looking forward to this

Great opener to the series. Can't believe it's really the last run. A shame - but wouldn't want it to push past its natural life span.

Very good episode, big issues handled masterfully as usual. Plus, I can't think of many sitcoms with a scene in a charity shop.

Well-written and well-performed, as usual.

My only criticism is that I expect the man who opened the door to Rob and identified himself as Amanda's husband will turn out to be a man she married following the tragic death of her previous husband, thus dashing Rob's theories about her dishonesty to the ground.

If that turns out to be the case, I'll say I saw it coming a mile away.

If it doesn't turn out to be the case, I'll say no more about it.

Just caught up with this, I'd forgotten how horrible both Rob and Sharon can be as characters and yet that lovely rare little tender moment at the end really made the episode.

Another good episode, and excruciating on Sharon's part. It gets in my head and makes me wonder what I'd do in those situations, like Peep Show

"Catastrophe" is one of the finest sitcoms of modern times.

Very well written, very well performed - and it all looks so effortless.

If only it really were that easy to write and perform comedy, we'd all be headlining in Vegas! :D

S4, Ep1 was a tad weak, but Ep2 seemed to pick up a bit. I watched S1-3 when they were first broadcast and again on catch up I know that Rob's job is supposed to net him megabucks, but Sharon's wardrobe is quite fancy for a primary school teacher, however many spine points she's up on Hackney's scale!

Another cracking episode, not sure about the acid/juice thing being played for laughs but otherwise, Sharon's training and that sex scene were hysterical!

Quote: Sitcomfan64 @ 24th January 2019, 9:26 AM

not sure about the acid/juice thing being played for laughs

A fair point but, since the earliest days of film and TV comedy, people have been hit in the face with frying pans, poked in the eyes with fingers, thrown into rivers, punched, kicked, thrown through windows, set on fire, electrocuted, shot with arrows, run over by cars - and even by steamrollers.

I can think of several films where executions by shooting, hanging and even public beheadings were played for laughs.

Explosions have always been popular - even when the victim is blown to smithereens.

It's a funny old world.

True. I don't mind anything which punctures Rob's slightly obsequious air.

The sex scene between Fran and Douglas was a bit, ugh and believe me, I'm no prude. It kind of reminded me of when Sharon was sniffing her dirty briefs after her encounter with a much younger bloke in a previous series.

It's not afraid to be heavy, definitely, the juice thing didn't really bother me though

The thread on the popular parenting website, Mumsnet pertaining to this sitcom seems to be leaning towards Rob's night sweats and weight loss being a precursor to something quite sinister. Considering that this is the final season, this sounds like a direction Horgan and Delaney may take.

Quote: TheBlueNun @ 25th January 2019, 4:01 PM



Quote: TheBlueNun @ 25th January 2019, 4:01 PM

The thread on the popular parenting website, Mumsnet pertaining to this sitcom seems to be leaning towards Rob's night sweats and weight loss being a precursor to something quite sinister.

I'm sure the majority of Mumsnet members are perfectly reasonable women.

The snag, however, is that the site appears to be controlled by a loudmouthed minority of harpies and harridans who seem to spend their waking lives hating men as much as it's possible for one person to hate another and their sleeping lives dreaming of ways to hate men even more.

If Rob is indeed about to shuffle off this mortal coil, I have absolutely no doubt that the Mumsnet Mafia will be celebrating long into the night as soon as his impending departure is revealed.

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