Is it just me, or do more & more US programmes have speech that is delivered too fast?!
e.g. the new US sitcom (a co-broadcast - UK & US - from October2018+) "Happy Together" (stars: Damon Wayans Jr; Harry Styles).
Both I & my OH have found that the speed of the lines spoken is literally too fast to even hear the words, and definitely we can't follow one joke before the next joke is delivered.
Which means that overall there are 2 ways the script of "Happy Together" is too fast:
(i) the lines are spoken too fast, almost as if the filmreel has been speeded up!
(ii) the space between the jokes is not paced well
UK shows don't seem to have this problem. And a few UK shows ARE quite 'wordy' & have lots of punchlines, so the same problem as in "Happy Together" might well have occurred in that prog . . . but it doesn't. The great "Not Going Out" is an example. Lee Mack is a superb wordsmith & the script style in his sitcom follows suit. But the lines are spoken at a measured pace that the viewer can hear, and the delivery of each gag/punchline is measured too, rather than rushed.
This flaw in the timing in "Happy Together" seems to be becoming a pattern in US programmes. I have found that certain OTHER programmes from the US also move too fast, & it becomes difficult to follow. This chartacteristic has got worse over the years, & "Bones" is the latest example. "Bones" almost jumps! between scenes, with an over-speedy "Oh we know who did it / what to do next" theory by the characters that is expoundeed over just 3 sentences! - then a rush to the next scene. A bizarre & unrealistic speed of deduction!
The speed of the speech in "Bones" is also too fast (though not as bad as "Happy Together).
Rewind?! I do nothing but!!
Maybe the problem is that the target market for some programmes is people (the young?!) who don't want, or have time, to concentrate on the script. "Bones" may well fall into this, possibly appealing a lot to the people who used to watch David Boreanaz in "Buffy the Vamprire Slayer". But I DO want to follow the script! - particularly in comedies.
To compare - in case the problem was with the US accent or something - I re-watched a few episodes of an older US sitcom, "The King of Queens". But I DID find that I could easily follow that. "TKOQ" has well-paced gags, plus lines spoken at a comprehensible speed. So it's NOT my hearing! that is the problem.
"Bones" has beeen added to my list of programmes that I no longer watch, despite the forensic science & psychology aspects being of such interest. What a shame.
And after watching just 2 episodes of "Happy Together", I really think I a going to have to leave this. Which is a shame as I like the simple & fun comedy of Wayans (Sr AND Jr).
Anybody else find these over-speedy scripts an issue??