Alfred J Kipper
Tuesday 26th December 2017 10:21am [Edited]
8,421 posts
Christmas special was okay, as good as most eps in series 2 but not notably better. I expected better for a Christmas special tbh. That should be your shining star episode and it wasn't. The stand out episode of the sitcom is still the Macbeth one in series 1. That should be your Christmas Day special, hold it back for the prime slot, not put out a samey one. It wasn't even chronologically correct as it wasn't performed until at least 1600 seven years after Marlowe's death, Twelfth Night about the same time I think.
It's a good sitcom but it suffered too many Eltonisms last night. It doesn't bode that well for series 3 because it's clearly getting a bit repetitive. Elton's tied to his formula as always and it starts to grate after a while. He needs to forget the middling comedies and go for the remaining big hitters now, Hamlet, King Lear, Julius Caesar, Richard III.
Something in Elton's plotting has to give, if he keeps Marlowe and Greene in then he's going against history. I'm also surprised Kyd and Jonson haven't had roles when the history books say they knew and collaborated with WS. There is no evidence at all that Marlowe or Green even met Shakespeare. The whole 'Upstart crow beautified with our feathers' remark was written by Greene to warn Marlowe of a new rival about to steal his crown.