Sunday 5th August 2018 4:15pm [Edited]
North London
6,162 posts
Quote: Briosaid @ 4th August 2018, 9:08 PM
Here's a genuine question for all you Brexiteers - how has being part of the EU affected you badly?
It's not so much what the EU Commission has done in the past that matters as much as what it seems likely to do in the future, (or what it would have done without Brexit).
Among other things the free-movement-of-labour rule is an immigration system without any controlling negative feedback. In engineering terms all uncontrolled systems are subject to oscillation and eventual breakdown.
I don't know exactly what the breakdown of this system will look like but it will be horrible and among other things I hope the UK gets out of the loop as soon as possible.
Only polititions are daft enough to make treaties creating and subsequently insisting on unstable systems. The free--movement-of-labour situation arises because South Italy had a surplus of men out-of-work and Germany needed workers, so instead of making a simple arrangement for those South Italians to move to Germany, the bureaucrats of the early EU Commission went ahead and invented free-movement-of-labour and have subsequently enshrined it, as if it is a religion.
The EU bureaucrats do this excessive control consistently, one of the recent instances is the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). this is intended to control the excessive misuse of private information of big organizations like Facebook, but in all their many many pages of the Regulation they didn't bother too exclude the small clubs and their websites, which are all technically liable to the same MASSIVE fines as could be imposed on Facebook. The effort in making software comply with GDPR is almost as difficult for small firms/organizations as it is for megabuck organizations, but the EU commission doesn't care. So far the owners of this comedy site have not complied and, I presume,are trusting to luck that the it won't be noticed, but it means the the EU Commission has the power to shut down this site at any time they feel like, just by imposing a big fine for non-compliance with the GDPR.
So as I've said before I'm not actually against common European activities, I'm just against this particular EU government, which is inflexible, corrupt, and appears to have no facility to unseat it.
So that is why I voted for and support Brexit.