Roseanne Page 2
Roseanne was great, but Grace Under Fire was a little bit better in realism.
The first couple of seasons where Roseanne worked at Wellman's Factory were by far the best. The realism of being a working lower class family struggling was probably the tenant of the show that made it the most enjoyable, because the situations were real. After Roseanne quit and the majority of the cast that were written as working there quit with her, that is when it got wonky. Jackie became neurotic, jumping from bad boyfriend to abusive boyfriend, and then from being a cop to being an actress, to being a truck driver, to then doing nothing. Dan went from being a successful drywaller to being an abject failure, and how they wrote the bike shop saga was just garbage.
I did like how the kids progressed at first. Becky growing up a spoiled brat and then falling incrementally in love with Mark was cool; it kind of parallelled Roseanne and Dan's courtship. But between the 2 Beckys and then Mark going from the cool kid to the idiot and then Darlene and David hooking up it was just overkill. Darlene's depression was cool at first, but at a point it was completely irritating by the end, especially when she "magically" changed her tune being preggers.
The WORST part of the show was how they treated the supporting characters. Crystal was just destroyed with a bad storyline. Her obsession with Sonny was cool, and even her sneaking around with Dad's father was fun, but when she became a sniffling little sot that couldn't stop getting preggers post menopause it killed it. Then she completely disappeared with no rhyme or reason and then we were forced to endure Sandra Bernhardt. Ana Marie and her husband were nice and underused after a point, and Bonnie just plain old vanished. The introduction of Arnie solely off of Tom Arnold marrying Roseanne was ANNOYING, and so was the push to spin off the JackieThomas Show mess Tom was into.
I'm not homophobic at all, but Roseanne's obsession to push half the cast into being gay was just irritating. First it was Leon. Then it was Nancy. Then it was Beverly. Then it was Jackie.
The pregnancy thing with Roseanne was just horrible in the third to last season. That last season with the lottery they could have kept that. Killing Dan off - negative.
The show has its good points, but Roseanne killed it.
Now we got a show continuation/reboot coming in March. ABC is bringing the show BACK. It's going to be interesting to see how they deal with 1. Glenn Quinn being dead, and 2. Killing Dan off.
She was on the last three 3rd Rock that I have been watching on C4 as Dick's "wife" sent to him by The Big Giant Head.
Quote: zooo @ 17th May 2017, 7:55 PMI'm so looking forward to this.
And it has both Beckys!
I know I could just google, but I can't imagine what a grown up DJ looks like.
So, thoughts? First episode of the reboot was perhaps a tad heavy on politics. Not so surprising, given Roseanne is known for making controversial and ill-informed comments.
Her precise tweet, not mentioned in some stories, was:
"muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj"

I literally threw up when I saw Roseanne's repugnant tweet.
Fortunately, I was able to have a good laugh at Donald Trump and George W. Bush

And now, Roseanne seems to be having a public meltdown on Twitter, criticizing her castmates for having been critical of her:
America is overplaying this one.
Roseanne wasn't being racist. She was being a bigot. Slight, but difference.
2nd, they are not just blackballing her, but the entire cast and crew as well. That's why Wanda Sykes (producer), Sara Gilbert (actor/producer/re-creator), and the Co-Showrunner are doing "damage control". Gilbert's talk show got Cancelled; Sykes upcoming comedy special canned.
3rd, Country Music Television, TV Land, the Paramount Network, MeTV, Hulu, Netflix, Crackle, and ALL Viacom and ABC Disney owned channels have done a Bill Cosby and pulled ALL of her syndicated shows out of rotation on a blackball, meaning this has stopped the royalty checks of her entire CAST. As a creator/actor/executive producer she stood to gain 250 mil this year from her reruns, her cast 2 mil.
4th I may not like what she said, but she has a constitutional 1st amendment right to say what she damn well feels and that I have to support and defend Trump has been trying to destroy that his entire presidency and people have a right to freedom of speech in this country. This is a witch hunt out on her for sure; nobody said shit last year when she dresses up like hitler and made jew cookies burnt in the oven and took a picture. In America, the PC culture has destroyed everything, and having the internet ain't helped their crying fits of madness.
5th I told you all this reboot wasn't going to last. Not only was it cringeworthy, she came back almost as a mouthpiece of Dotard's 40%. Like I said before - it had it good points but Roseanne killed it.
I don't think someone can realistically grow up in America (for 50? 60 years? I'm not sure of her age) and then claim ignorance of the fact that likening a black woman to a monkey is racist, and is going to be taken as racist by most people.
Quote: ArticulateMadness @ 30th May 2018, 5:23 PM4th I may not like what she said, but she has a constitutional 1st amendment right to say what she damn well feels and that I have to support and defend Trump has been trying to destroy that his entire presidency and people have a right to freedom of speech in this country.
Of course she has the right to say anything she wants. But she doesn't have the right to face no consequences. Everything you say has consequences.
Quote: zooo @ 30th May 2018, 5:33 PMI don't think someone can realistically grow up in America (for 50? 60 years? I'm not sure of her age) and then claim ignorance of the fact that likening a black woman to a monkey is racist, and is going to be taken as racist by most people.
Of course she has the right to say anything she wants. But she doesn't have the right to face no consequences. Everything you say has consequences.
I'm a black woman born and bred in America. Roseanne ain't the first and she ain't gonna be the last to throw out the porch monkey bit. But it isn't racist. It's bigotry. And there is a difference. And for the record, she was trying to imply 1. she's not really black, 2. she's iranian, and 3. by default a dirty sand ____________. And I'm sure you can guess what __________ is.
The problem is, Dotard and his 40% do this EVERY DAY. He does this at HIS RALLIES. Watch some of them. His "supporters" are chanting derogatory names like __________ go home, kill all ____________ sometimes. And you may fill in the __________ with the racist word of your choice.
She started this campaign after hopping off the Bernie train. And like I said, she's been doing dumb shit like this this ENTIRE time of Dotard's Presidency. He opened up this can of whoop ass and made is politically correct to have a mouth like Archie Bunker, and there is no putting this genie back in the bottle.
Like I said, I don't like much that comes out of her mouth. But I will defend her right under this country's constitution to say what she feels. The fascism going on here witch hunting celebrities right now borders on Fourth Reich mentality from BOTH SIDES of the political aisle, Left and Right. NFL players, black or white, are being fined and kicked out the league if they take a knee to protest police brutality and unlawful killings of black people, but Tebow and any NFL white Christian can kneel and pray to white Jesus. And he must be white when kneeling because we live in a country now ASKING.
Blackballing her and everyone affiliated with this show isn't punishing her. She's worth 300 million. By her own mouth she says she's white trash with money. A woman who grabbed her crotch and spit butchering the national anthem. And who also took a picture as hitler baking Jews as cookies in the oven.
Sadly, the only reason she even got slapped on the wrist for this one is because she picked a black woman. Had this been a Muslim diss this would have been nothing to see.
Welcome to America.
I still don't completely understand the difference between the racism and bigotry, but I'll take your word for it.
Was she like this way back in the 80s? I suppose she must have been, even if she kept it quieter back then. When I realised what a horrible person she was (only noticed about a year ago, cos she's not really famous over here anymore) I was surprised.
and there is no putting this genie back in the bottle.
I guess this is some people's attempt to at least try? I can't pretend to not enjoy seeing arseholes get some consequences now and again. It's pretty rare at the moment.
Quote: zooo @ 30th May 2018, 6:51 PMI still don't completely understand the difference between the racism and bigotry, but I'll take your word for it.
Was she like this way back in the 80s? I suppose she must have been, even if she kept it quieter back then. When I realised what a horrible person she was (only noticed about a year ago, cos she's not really famous over here anymore) I was surprised.
I guess this is some people's attempt to at least try? I can't pretend to not enjoy seeing arseholes get some consequences now and again. It's pretty rare at the moment.
The main difference between racist and bigot is that fact that racism exclusively discriminates on the basis of race as a part of a system of oppression (and in the US that is within the confines of the several systems originating from government policy), whereas a bigot selectively discriminates on the basis of his personal opinion to one or a group of individuals, which can include race, gender, religion or beliefs. Archie Bunker would be a bigot, because his opinions about minorities were based only on what he experienced driving a cab. That belief changed once he engaged people of different races and saw they weren't any different than him. Dotard would be a racist, considering he and his father discriminated against black people living in their real estate accommodations and lost in court class action lawsuits being denied housing, his blind support for KKK and other racist groups (including his father being affiliated), and taking out a full page ad in the NY Times trying to get 5 black kids thrown in jail for life to influence the outcome of a trial in which all defendants were found not guilty and the real perpetrator later was found.
As far as Roseanne, yep, she was like this in the 80s. Here's the national anthem debacle: She grew up in Utah, heavily affiliated with the Mormons. They aren't the most tolerant of other races/religions in the US, and tend to be bigoted from self imposed isolation.
I think that she should be taken down a peg or two, but the reality is, she's been going on all cylinders in her bigotry for 2 years. And this was a woman that ran for POTUS and got a lot of votes during what would be Obama's re-election. She was just as spit fire then, except she was talking about all the things this government was doing to WHITE PEOPLE. And that's fine with me as a black chick. Change for the rest of the races doesn't happen unless facilitated by middle/upper middle class whites. It's been that way since the country's inception. And in fairness, the whites here are learning what it is to be "black" right now.
End of the day, she's a comic. Comedy is the last frontier of freedom of speech in America, to talk about social ills. Granted, she ain't no George Carlin, But going after her for a monkey pock shot and she did this is ridiculous:

Wait, she ran for cocking president????
I have missed a lot.
Quote: zooo @ 30th May 2018, 8:51 PMWait, she ran for cocking president????
I have missed a lot.
You can also watch the documentary "Roseanne for President" which chronicled her running on the Peace and Freedom Party ticket.
She's still busy on Twitter.
The context of those Hitler photos: It was for a satirical Jewish magazine's Germany issue. And Roseanne is a Jew. And she's nuts.
As she said at the time:
"I don't give a f**k what people think. I care what people do. I don't care what they think. That's what I'm trying to say. Let's stop holocausts. When I did The Star Spangled Banner -- let's care about freedom, instead of symbols of freedom for a f**king change. You know what I mean, I don't know. I'm just really old. When you're post-menopausal, you're just really crazy."
Interesting points Articulate.