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I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,989

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 22nd May 2018, 8:00 AM

He's 7 and has a rifle?
And you seem OK with this - in fact you appear to endorse it with pride.

Yes, his future stepfather bought it for him for Christmas when he was 5. I'm ok with it because my daughter and her husband are ok with it and I trust them. I also trust my grandson. There's no pride involved, but I'm glad that my grandson has been taught how to safely handle firearms. That training includes leaving the room and contacting an adult if he ever came across a firearm that was not under adult supervision.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 22nd May 2018, 8:00 AM

Ah, you're having a joke and winding us all up aren't you... I get it.

No, it's not a joke. I mentioned it in a post last year:

Quote: DaButt @ 2nd October 2017, 4:15 PM

I have a 6-year-old grandson who owns his own rifle and is very, very careful with it. His parents have taught him well.

Here's a photo taken during his first trip to the range with his stepfather:

Quote: zooo @ 22nd May 2018, 8:20 AM

Um, good? That's how we get fewer people murdered.

You fail to understand that that's not how it would work, at least not in the United States where the majority of people are murdered by guns that were illegally owned in the first place.

Gun ownership has risen greatly since Bill Clinton's presidency (1993-2001) because of his attempts to ban guns, yet the murder rate has dropped dramatically since then. That's in complete contradiction to your assertion that fewer guns would mean fewer murders. We could look at London's rising murder rate as further proof that gun bans don't necessarily bring about fewer murders.

Quote: zooo @ 22nd May 2018, 8:20 AM

I never said anything about handguns?

If your point is that all guns wouldn't necessarily be taken away then you're right, since allowing a single-shot, bolt-action, pea shooter of a gun would fulfill your claim, but that's not what the Second Amendment is about. The Supreme Court has upheld that Americans have the right to bear arms for their own protection, and that right shall not be infringed.

Quote: zooo @ 22nd May 2018, 8:20 AM

Here are some guns you can own in the UK if you must (yes, with rules attached)

Those are essentially .22LR rimfire rifles and shotguns. A .22 is good for hunting rabbits and squirrels, but useless for self-defense since the round is so small and underpowered. The shotgun can be used for home defense, but it appears to be limited to 3 rounds. Mine holds 9. You can't use it for self-defense in a vehicle because of the length and we all know what happens if someone in the UK keeps one next to their bed for defensive purposes and shoots a burglar...

So as long as you're happy shooting paper targets and bunnies, all is well for shooters in the UK. But if you need to hunt bigger game or protect yourself from armed criminals, you're out of luck.

Quote: zooo @ 22nd May 2018, 8:20 AM

the great unwashed won't be able to rise up against the government if they need to - As if they would ever actually get off their arses and do that. If they haven't yet, they never will.

They did it in 1860 and it killed 800,000 people out of a population of 30 million. That would be more than 8 million people with today's population.

Americans have no reason to rise up against their government. That would likely change if that government started kicking down doors and confiscating guns en masse. It would be a bloodbath.

EDIT: We should move any further discussion over to the Guns thread in order to clogging up the News thread.

Yeah, wise up, you stupid Limeys. If you want Britain to be safer and have a lower murder rate, then start selling guns to the public; and not just those pissant little bunny pea-shooters. You people are so dumb. Can't you see that more guns = greater safety and security? Shit for brains if you you're too dumb to understand.

Quote: Kenneth @ 22nd May 2018, 5:39 PM

Dear people who live 4000 miles away from the United States: Our nations are different, our laws are different, our histories are different, our societies are different. That's great, because diversity is a good thing. Assuming that you have a simple solution to a complex problem in another country that you don't really understand is naive at best and arrogant at worst.

Fixed it for ya.

They say Americans don't get irony.

They should do,they are all packin iron.

The online sale of endangered and threatened wildlife is rife across Europe, a new investigation has revealed, ranging from live cheetahs, orangutans and bears to ivory, polar bear skins and many live reptiles and birds.

Yes, owning an endangered species is a status symbol among halfwits.

And thickos in China who can't get an erection.

Quote: Chappers @ 23rd May 2018, 5:57 PM

And thickos in China who can't get an erection.

Yes. Dining one night at a Chinatown restaurant in Indonesia, I was approached by a chap selling what he claimed were tiger fetuses. He claimed they were an aphrodisiac. I had to give him a big kick up the arse for suggesting I was in need of such a stupid product.

Good morning KennethWave

G'day Uncle Titus. Hans and Konrad still behaving?

I think as a global society we should be just as concerned about the deaths of children caused through poverty as those shot by psychopaths. But we aren't.

Reason being I believe there are many more of them..

Quote: Kenneth @ 22nd May 2018, 5:39 PM

Yeah, wise up, you stupid Limeys. If you want Britain to be safer and have a lower murder rate, then start selling guns to the public; and not just those pissant little bunny pea-shooters. You people are so dumb. Can't you see that more guns = greater safety and security? Shit for brains if you you're too dumb to understand.

Better yet I think Britain should look at deporting all its trouble makers to another country the other side of the World, some outback of beyond shit hole where they can just get on and murder each other and we don't have to give a firk. That'd work! :)

Quote: Frankie Mildly Perturbed @ 24th May 2018, 4:50 PM

I think as a global society we should be just as concerned about the deaths of children caused through poverty as those shot by psychopaths. But we aren't.

Out of sight, out of mind. Anyway, Live Aid fixed all that long ago, and Bono has since saved the starving kids.

Quote: Frankie Mildly Perturbed @ 24th May 2018, 4:50 PM

Better yet I think Britain should look at deporting all its trouble makers to another country the other side of the World, some outback of beyond shit hole where they can just get on and murder each other and we don't have to give a firk. That'd work! :)

I dunno. Australian immigration laws are a bloody damn sight tougher now than they used to be in them olden convict days. You'd be more likely to find the red carpet being rolled out for foreign ratbags in the UK than Oz these days.

Oh, nòooo! Not Morgan Freeman.

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