Saturday 8th March 2008 10:27pm
527 posts
Hmmm funny ... I thought this thread would open up a bit more ... with a title like 'Music Education'. I suppose it depends whether you're a player or a listener. For myself, as the former, I'll listen to anything (with the exception of cinema organ music and possibly rap, both of which I personally don't get on with) so I'd include an assortment of classical, jazz, blues, folk, reggae, opera (I'm a closet Carl Orff fan!), rock, metal, choral stuff (like Gregorian Chant), you name it. And yes I do like Rufus Wainwright ... a kind of later-day Leonard Cohen in some respects! We've got a jazz festival here, in the one-horse Spanish town I live in, goes on until April-the something, centered around the work of John Coltrane and Thelonious Monk. Concerts and master classes. Since I've just taken up alto sax I've signed up for the lot. Although it's jazz (not everybody's cup of caffeine!) I find those who are really good at it draw their inspiration from every possible musical genre. I could rattle on on this subject a bit more ... but the vino tinto always puts my brain in reverse this time of the day!!!