Quote: Davida @ 7th March 2018, 7:39 PM... cigarettes with the awful pictures I wanted to be sick... I think the pictures are a decent deterrent to someone who's not been subjected to them before.
America's FDA in 2011 decided cigarette packs in the US should also display color graphics showing the negative effects of smoking. However, the tobacco industry persuaded the Court of Appeals that graphic health warnings were a violation of the free speech right of tobacco companies. That's dumb right there, no matter how much you score on your IQ tests: Prioritizing profit by killing people, rather than taking stronger measures to stop people becoming addicted to the leading cause of preventable death. Contributions to senators and congressmen from tobacco lobbies are just bribes. Allowing them to accept such bribes is dumb.
When in the UK, I smoked Death Cigarettes, purely for the cool, honest brand. They tasted like shite though.