British Comedy Guide

Famous Movie Lines, animated literally!

I've started a new web series called Movie Lines, Animated! -

The 1st video blew up on reddit but the other 2 haven't yet had quite the same impact. Anyone have any recommendations on where to post a web series to give it a wider audience?

Can't help you with the advice, but KEEP IT UP - I think they are brilliant!! Original idea and very funny. :D

Thanks for the words of encouragement, great to hear you enjoy them :) I've compiled enough clips to do a 'top 100' so should have a few more shorts on the way soon.

I think they're extremely good.
They might also be extremely illegal - do you know what the rights situation is with using the original recordings?
Is it covered by "Fair Use"?
Others on here might be better informed.
Love the animation style, BTW.
Very good, all round.

Firstly, very funny. Really liked 'I am your father', you could get a series of gags out of that alone.

Just my opinion - but I found they were too close together, they ran into each other a little. I think you could make more of each one by spacing them a little. You could put your name/logo between each or use a filmic device like a clapperboard, or similar. I just feel a small gap between each would make more of them.

It might be worth looking to get a commercial sponsor/advertiser before you post any more - not sure if copy write issues might prevent this. Maybe Lazzard who posts on this forum might be able to offer advice?

Good idea well done!

EDIT Bugger me Lazzard pip posted me!

Yeah I'm told it's covered under 'Fair Use' under parody, because I'm taking the audio and creating a whole new meaning for it, it appears to be fair game. I did a similar thing when creating a football series for BBC Three -

Good to hear you enjoyed the movie shorts. The style was very much born from time constraints. Just enough character with minimal detail!

Quote: playfull @ 5th January 2018, 5:00 PM

Just my opinion - but I found they were too close together, they ran into each other a little. I think you could make more of each one by spacing them a little. You could put your name/logo between each or use a filmic device like a clapperboard, or similar. I just feel a small gap between each would make more of them.

It might be worth looking to get a commercial sponsor/advertiser before you post any more - not sure if copy write issues might prevent this. Maybe Lazzard who posts on this forum might be able to offer advice?

When I started interpreting football audio with animation it was a lot slower paced. But what became clear from doing the Talking Balls series for BBC Three was the fast paced/energetic stuff was much more popular (for likes, shares etc). I think it might just be peoples's attention spans when their browsing the internet! I'm running out of high energy movie clips now so I may also do some slower episodes. I do quite like the name/logo idea in the middle, thanks for the suggestion!

A sponsor/advertiser would be great! I'd love to make a few quid so I could fund making more of these.
I did get contacted by a UK cinema chain after the 1st one blew up on Reddit but it didn't quite work out. Plus I had no idea what kind of fee to ask for something like that. Any advice on that front would be fantastic!

Love them!
I agree that they slightly run together, you need half a second between to properly take them in, or have the chance to laugh without missing the next one. Just half a second of white space would be enough, I think.

They are a bit like Tim Vines stand up
You miss a lot of good uns by laughing at the last one.
The pace has to be fast but it's just a tad too fast.

Hope you do well with them.

Brilliant stuff and I'll subscribe to your channel to keep abreast of new releases. Very funny and I love the artwork and animation so carry on and honing your craft. I like the fast paced nature and think if there was gaps between each clip it might reduce the laugh factor. It has a pace like The Fast Show and keeps the energy going.

On the copyright front I would get professional advice from a legal boffin who can confirm if there is any infringement going on because you should let your youtube channel develop but it needs to be rock solid and have no risk of videos being taken down, getting copyright strikes etc. The fair use policy of youtube and copyright laws are two different things so it will be prudent to iron this out with someone who knows all about it. It might cost a few bob to do that but it will be worth it and you can then look at monetising your youtube channel and making it financially profitable safe in the knowledge you're not going to wake up one morning to a suspended account. Maybe you should also remove the name of the film in the clips as well because my view is they don't need to be there. The viewer will either know the film or not and if they don't they can google it. Don't make it so easy for them! Having the film title on screen might also be another copyright issue.

When all that's in order you can just keep doing what you're doing and create other online accounts on Twitter etc to widen your audience stream to youtube and even get your own website going. Don't worry yourself with getting virals because that will distract you and the material could suffer. Just think Que Sera, Sera.

Can I make a request(s)?

Nick I Love your style and humour, this was great. I would agree a tad slower.

Thanks for the feedback guys! Really useful stuff, will definitely take it all on board for future videos.

Quote: Definitely Tarby @ 5th January 2018, 9:35 PM

Can I make a request(s)?

Of course you can make requests! I have actually written something for 'dead of alive you're coming with me', it's a classic!

Just watched them all again and my favourites are................

Michael Caine
Darth Vader
Jack Nicholson
...............especially the Arnie one, which I think is very clever.

Was going to suggest the final line in Gone With the Wind and find you'd already done it on an earlier (?) YouTube posting.

More please!

They were all brilliant, very funny and clever, takes the parody video to another level.

Maybe a good angle would be quotes from politics, news. weather.

I subscribed to your channel, cant wait to see more of them.

Facebook I would suggest you could share them to get more views, you would have to upload them directly though so they may flag them up, but I would give it a go.

Quote: Nick Murray Willis @ 7th January 2018, 11:10 AM

Thanks for the feedback guys! Really useful stuff, will definitely take it all on board for future videos.

Of course you can make requests! I have actually written something for 'dead of alive you're coming with me', it's a classic!

You've got a lot of people drooling for more material so please don't dally :D I'll be interested to see the Robocop one and if it's about a cat clawing at a cowering mouse hiding in a treestump! Not sure why it would sound robotic though. Maybe it's Terminator's cat.

If I can be nosey what software do you use for the graphics and is there a name for the style of artwork because it reminds me of something but I can't put my finger on it. There's something very appealing about it like The Pink Panther and The Secret Show.

Here's four you might consider Nick. Might not all work (?) but if you like them I will try and think of some more next time I am staring into space.

"There's no place like home" See girl/woman sitting in a room that's a tip, with rubbish, sink full of dirty dishes, torn curtains, broken window etc. etc.

"Gentlemen. You can't fight in here. This is the War Room!" Churchill, with cigar in mouth and Hitler, both in boxing gear having a fight in a war bunker (?)

"Mein Fuhrer I can walk"
Beaming proud parents Hitler and Eva Braun as baby Hitler (with slicked down hair and toothbrush tash) goes from crawling to standing up and walking

"I feel the need for speed"
Smiling tortoise and not very happy snail out for a very slow walk, when snail utters the line and shoots off at high speed leaving the tortoise stationary and open mouthed.

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