Saturday 8th March 2008 2:23am
35,990 posts
I just received the following.
Good news.
Last year most writers ignored our 'keep the staging simple'
advice and we were flooded with entries that would make James
Cameron blanch at the budget.
We introduced a reading fee of £5 in the belief that this would
a) make them think hard about whether their script was actually
suitable (pressing 'send' is too damned easy) and b) generate income
that we could feed back into the productions.
However. The BBC Writer's room (who are important to us) won't
promote anything with a fee attached. We need the Writer's room
more than we need the odd fiver, so we have decided to waive the
reading fee entirely.
Have a good weekend.
(if you have sent a cheque we swear by the sainted Armstrong and
Bain to return it. Immediately)