Monday 6th November 2017 3:15pm [Edited]
14,730 posts
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 6th November 2017, 10:55 AM
I have a radical idea for new legislation.
From this point on all firearms will be illegal. The sale and use of any firearm will be against the law.
All guns to be handed in to a collection centre.
F**k the second amendment.
Where to begin...
First of all, the Second Amendment can't just be ignored. It must be legally repealed by the American people, and they have shown little interest in doing so. Here's how you'd need to go about it:
The video is correct when it says that it would be an ugly, bloody affair. Australia's gun confiscation program only took in about 20% of their firearms, and they didn't even have that pesky Second Amendment to get in the way. If the government began kicking down doors across America in order to forcibly disarm the populace it could lead to a civil war. The last one we had killed more than 700,000 Americans in a country of 32 million. We're 10 times as large now, so the carnage could be a magnitude greater, although I have my doubts as to whether many cops or soldiers would participate in the effort, since both groups tend to be strong supporters of the Second Amendment.
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 6th November 2017, 10:55 AM
Let's be like the UK where no one owns a gun.
The last I heard, there were about 2 million guns in the hands of private citizens in the UK.
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 6th November 2017, 10:55 AM
Projected result: 32.000 death down to 2000 in year 1
Let's remember that the goal is to reduce the number of deaths, not the manner in which people die. A death is a death.
As I've said earlier, 2 out of 3 gun deaths are suicides. The reduction in gun suicides would be proportional to the success rate of the gun confiscation campaign, so maybe 20%. Those people would likely just swallow a handful of pills or hang themselves in their closets if their guns had been confiscated, so the net reduction in deaths would be close to zero.
The majority of our gun murders (about 8000 to 9000 per year) are related to gangs, the drug trade, and other street-level criminal activity. The perpetrators are generally people who are prohibited from purchasing or possessing firearms and we already have the ultimate punishment (the death penalty) on the books, so it is unlikely that your plan would put a dent in our murder numbers. But we would see a vibrant black market in firearms, similar to the thriving underground gun trade that began in Australia after their confiscation scene was enacted. Remember how successful Prohibition was in the United States nearly a hundred years ago? Instead of eliminating alcohol, a thriving black market sprung up and put people like Al Capone in power. Violence, crime and murder flourished.
My prediction for gun deaths at the end of Year One of government confiscation? At least 75,000.