Thought I'd post a post about the chemical of laughter ( when to stop and when to keep going)
The chemical of laughter which is a 70 percent mix of endorphin and 30 percent of dopamine.
It can be in combinations comes from its basic concept of the human brain
the equation Logic + confusion = conclusion.
its a three horse race you might start with confusion, but the combination is always the same
if you where to start with confusion then you have to go to logic then confusion again then logic of the joke = conclusion.
Endorphins are the lactic acid of laughter you have 1 minute from the point of confusion + logic
conclusion can last for as much as 5 minutes on 1 joke.
the logical side of brain is on the right the confusion is on the right , in a joke you must mix them to the center.
once mixed then you can shoot off a multiple conclusion ( you got then about stretch of five minutes to push multiple conclusions of that joke before the lactic happy acid which is endorphin turns into dopamine.
once you see the combinations you will see the combination always comes back to logic, confusion, conclusion
example might be of andy kaufman
confusion then logic confusion then conclusion
jerry sienfeld
dead pan logic, confusion conclusion
robin williams
confusion logic confusion logic conclusion confusion + logic confusion logic conclusion, 2 times confusion 1 times logic 1 time conclusion 2 times confusion u times logic ending with 1 times conclusion
the point in where they mix is always (logic confusion) conclusion = laughter
to make the body laugh it must end in a conclusion even if it may seem hidden as confusion
a robin williams might be your all laughing at the joke but didnt get it myself quickly wrote it down but than you you all started drinking earlier than me = a confusion that is actually a conclusion
you are portraying forwarding the logic confusion conclusion from yourself, your portraying yourself as that logic plus confusion =
this is how you portray yourself exert as yourself, its not confusing the audience , its your self projection of these steps should make that clear