Tommy Griff
Wednesday 18th October 2017 7:57am
451 posts
What is it about comeback sitcoms like Red Dwarf, where despite the clever writing and decent storylines, it's hard to take the acting seriously due to their ageing, physical appearance.
Craig Charles and Chris Barrie are just not as funny to look at (not that they were funny to look at due to their looks originally), but it impacts their delivery of their lines.
I reckon if Craig Charles had not have appeared in Coronation Street, I may have bee able to believe he was still Lister, the cheeky and witty lazy slob. I just don't believe that of him when I watch Red Dwarf from the Easter comeback onward. I do however still enjoy it overall. I don't let the ageing of people get me down too much!
I think it was the same with Only Fools in 2001, suddenly, Del Boy (at the time) really did look like an old man, Raquel looked a bit haggy with Rodney no longer looking gangly and youthful (even in '96 trilogy, he was still gangly, youthful Rodney).
I'm rambling here, but I think it is one of the reasons comeback films/shows don't work very well. Not very believable to the naked eye.