Wednesday 4th October 2017 11:39am [Edited]
14,722 posts
Quote: Kenneth @ 4th October 2017, 5:50 AM
Your argument boils down to: "Anyone who disagrees with me that guns are fun and safe is wrong."
No, my argument is: "Anyone who says that guns do not have a legitimate sporting use, or anyone who says that people who oppose ineffective and unnecessarily restrictive gun legislation are supporters of, or responsible for, gun massacres, has lost the argument."
Quote: Kenneth @ 4th October 2017, 5:50 AM
if governments are too cowardly to try to disarm their grossly over-armed people, they can carry on enjoying the wonderful fun of mass shootings.
Boom, argument lost. And as I've said, the government is not a living entity. It is the will of the people, and the people do not want to be disarmed.
Quote: Kenneth @ 4th October 2017, 5:50 AM
Imagine if a nationwide gun/ammo confiscation and sales ban had come into effect after Columbine.
Imagine the sight of heavily armed police and military troops kicking down every door in America and ransacking every home in the search for Grandpa's hunting rifle or Mom's purse pistol. The carnage as Americans resisted being disarmed by their oppressive government would make the Las Vegas shooting look like a stroll through the park.
Quote: Kenneth @ 4th October 2017, 5:50 AM
Do you think Stephen Paddock would have so easily assembled his arsenal? Or would he have simply gone in with a baseball bat and a knife?
He would have done whatever he could to kill as many people as possible. Timothy McVeigh killed many more people with his truck bomb. We've had arsonists who've killed more people than Paddock, and the guy in France killed more people with a truck. Where there's a will, there's a way.
Quote: Will Cam @ 4th October 2017, 9:12 AM
Whether or not the right to bear arms is right or wrong, the orinigators of the American constitution could never have envisioned the advances in firearm technology.
They certainly did, and they made sure that the wording was "to bear arms" rather than "to bear muskets." The whole intent was to allow citizens to defend themselves, whether the aggressors were animals, criminals, or an oppressive government. The wording and meaning has been upheld by the courts again and again over the last 200+ years. Its meaning and intent are clear.
Quote: Will Cam @ 4th October 2017, 9:12 AM
If you want to bear arms, non-automatic weapons only should be allowed.
Automatic weapons have been banned since 1934. Since then, not a single legally owned automatic weapon (very rare) has been used by a private citizen to murder anyone. (I think there are one or two cases where a police officer used a department-owned automatic weapon to murder someone.)
Quote: Paul Wimsett @ 4th October 2017, 12:26 PM
At the end of the day we should not be upsetting DaButt. After all he's the bloke with a gun...
More than one.
Although I'm completely harmless if you're not trying to rob or kill me. ![:)](https://cdn.comedy.co.uk/images/emoticons/smile.gif)