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The Singing Solicitor

I'm suffering a mid life crisis and don't know what to do when I grow up, I'm 43.

Can't afford a flashy car, too bald and grey to have an affair, so I thought I would turn my hand to comedy writing.

I work as a solicitor but find it a chore so looking for something else to do. I thought about doing a degree in sociology or psychology because I find people really interesting and am good at observing people and working them out.

However I love making people laugh, I often tell jokes, especially to my suffering wife and children. I've played numerous April Fools jokes on m family colleagues and friends.

My friends say I should go on stage but I lack confidence for that. I had a dream a few weeks ago where I was a comedy writer and that made me think, I'm full of ideas (I had the idea of car share a few years ago) I am funny, so heck why not go for it.

So I am looking around to find out how I can get started. Any help would be much appreciated.

Why the Singing Solicitor? I love singing and often take part in my local pub's Karaoke, where they have called me the Singing Solicitor. The only thing is I don't get paid for doing it.

I hear you. Not sure about the practical jokes though, or the Karaoke....
What kind of comedy do you like?

Thanks from the practical jokes its not like balancing a bucket of water over a door to fall on top of the next person walking through it, its more like April Fools jokes. For example, I put up a few planning notices on an important derelict building in my home town (which is by an estuary) which stated planning permission was sought to change the building to a nudest beach. There would be a viewing platform, first aid room for sun burns etc. Among other jokes in the document I said the application could be found in the local library in the adult section etc. It went down well with my friends who thought it was hilarious not sure about the old fogies.

Sounds like a good, elaborate joke to me! Barry Humphries used to play practical jokes on the public when he was still in Australia, quite violent and revolting, so you're not alone.

I think you should become a police officer and join CID so you can call yourself The Singing Detective after the freaky 80s drama :D Law is seen as a humourless, stuffy profession so you're in an ideal position to get a youtube channel going and doing practical jokes on colleagues. Pranking a barrister in a courtoom so they wear a multicoloured wig without knowing and filming the judges reaction would be an instant viral. Doing karaoke is an ideal stepping stone in to standup because you can incorporate it in to the singing. If it's a gag or story that is linked to the song it could go down well and if you get a few laughs it will be encouraging. If the karaoke DJ doesn't mind you could sing a few songs in a row and make it like a mini showcase but without telling everyone you are doing it. When drinking punters know you are trying to make them laugh they can tighten up so if it seems natural and unplanned it should get a better reaction. You can start working on material and seeing what works and what doesn't. I have no experience in standup (apart from once when I had to give a speech from the play Road in the style of a stand up comedian during an audition which still makes me bite my fist) but I imagine the way in is to grab any oportunity you can to get mic time and start building up your own style and material. Sorry if you're reading this and thinking "I know all of this already you dumbass" :D

I'm also open to unconventional comedy that doesn't follow the traditional deliver punchlines, wait for the laughter/applause to die down and then deliver another punchline format. I like people who take you outside the comfort zone like Bill Hicks. To them a gasp from the audience is more rewarding than guffaws.


This is sort of shameless plugging (though I'm not really an official BCG person, just an uber-fan...or something?), but have you checked out the 'Make it' section of the site? ( ) I'm in a similar situation (though more like a quarter life crisis) and have vague aspirations to write a sitcom pilot, or at least somehow be involved in the comedy world. That part of the site has loads of really helpful articles and podcasts that have helped me wrap my head around a lot of stuff that I had never really thought of when it comes to writing and making comedy. Give it a go!

There are other things on the horizon with BCG as far as sort of getting your foot in the door and making a go of going pro, so to speak. Keep an eye out in the coming months for more on that.

I like the practical joke thing. Have you done any others apart from the planning permission one?

And welcome to the community!

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