I'm suffering a mid life crisis and don't know what to do when I grow up, I'm 43.
Can't afford a flashy car, too bald and grey to have an affair, so I thought I would turn my hand to comedy writing.
I work as a solicitor but find it a chore so looking for something else to do. I thought about doing a degree in sociology or psychology because I find people really interesting and am good at observing people and working them out.
However I love making people laugh, I often tell jokes, especially to my suffering wife and children. I've played numerous April Fools jokes on m family colleagues and friends.
My friends say I should go on stage but I lack confidence for that. I had a dream a few weeks ago where I was a comedy writer and that made me think, I'm full of ideas (I had the idea of car share a few years ago) I am funny, so heck why not go for it.
So I am looking around to find out how I can get started. Any help would be much appreciated.
Why the Singing Solicitor? I love singing and often take part in my local pub's Karaoke, where they have called me the Singing Solicitor. The only thing is I don't get paid for doing it.