Alfred J Kipper
Thursday 27th July 2017 2:30pm [Edited]
8,492 posts
Quote: marac @ 19th July 2017, 4:54 PM
To be honest I have not seen every sitcom. There are some I have not yet got round to watching or I just don't have access to. From what I have seen so far i found most of these completely unwatchable:
1. House Of Fools
2. Badults
3. Him And Her
4. Beautiful People
5. The House That Jack Built
6. Bad Education
7. The Labours Of Erica
8. Hippies
9. Ballot Monkeys
10. Borderline
Him and her is the only one I differ from you on, maybe House of Fools too, as irritating as I found it, it did make me laugh 
I haven't seen any of the others above but I know I'll hate them from the titles alone or from the blurb or the actors in them or the trailer snippets I've seen. Generally being made post 2000ish is also a strong indicator I probably won't like it.
Because it was camped up clichéd end of pier stuff that many including myself hated. Unfortunately it wasn't any where near being bad let alone worst and is probably a rightful classic now. Ie. people casually mix up disliked for worst all the time, two very different things.
Quote: DaleBale @ 19th July 2017, 12:30 PM
I see that Allo 'Allo! appears here very often. HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?