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Status report Page 5,977

So sorry to hear that, Davida, but just maybe it'll be the start of a happier life and you'll come to think they did you a favour.

Or favor. Whistling nnocently

But then if she is going to live over here I hope she takes on English how it should be writ and spoke.

I'm so sorry to hear that Davida. But judging by your writing, you are clearly intelligent, so would stand a good chance with many jobs. Good chance you'll get something better, like you say, where management treat you with respect.

When one door closes another opens. I hear Stuart Lee is getting to an age where he might need a home help. Well, he looks like he needs help dressing a least.Rolling eyes

Quote: Firkin @ 8th July 2017, 11:10 AM

I'm so sorry to hear that Davida. But judging by your writing, you are clearly intelligent, so would stand a good chance with many jobs. Good chance you'll get something better, like you say, where management treat you with respect.

When one door closes another opens. I hear Stuart Lee is getting to an age where he might need a home help. Well, he looks like he needs help dressing a least.Rolling eyes

Ha! Sign me up for that, please!

I really am doing all right with being fired. I think I'm going to take yours and other friends' advice and wait a bit (like until after the fringe) to settle on anything so I end up with a better job, not a worse one.

Thanks for all of the encouragement! It definitely helps. I'm thinking this will turn out to have been a positive turning point in my life. It could have been disasterous, but I have good support people in my life right now, and I think I'm making non-idiotic decisions. Hooray for that.

And to herc, I'm already being trained on using my 'u's and 's's instead of Zs by other brits I'm in correspondence with. I'll make it over there someday! I'm going there in less than a month, what am I saying? Too bad I can't stay.

Quote: zooo @ 8th July 2017, 9:20 AM

Whaaaaat? Those absolute f**kers. Angry
*whispers* I agree with Herc, just stay here once you get to Scotland. No one'll mind.

If I was independently wealthy, or knew anyone who was, or was any kind of wealthy you bet your bottom dollar I would! I'm too broke to stay. I can stay legally for 6 months without a visa, but not allowed to get a job during that time, and my passport expires soon too. Bah. I'll be back though!

I think I might have started stealing a neighbour's cat. They've gone to US for a couple of weeks and the poor thing (called Psycho, by the way) came to us when we were eating outside tonight and loved being fondled. I introduced it to the joys of eating real fish instead of the dried shite which it gets fed. It has the most beautiful green eyes.

Sorry to hear that Davida because it's never nice being sacked especially when it's unfair but I agree that if you were working with people who treat you like that then it's better to find something else. It's their loss. I got sacked a few years ago for nothing more than having to take a day off when my car died and I was shocked. I was good at the job but I could tell they didn't like me for whatever reason and having worked there for less than two years they could sack me for anything they like because I had zero rights. Maybe it was because I didn't fit in to their way but as they were racist and ignorant asshats I didn't want to. The company I work for now supplies my old employer who sacked me a lot of their internet services so I have dealt with them a lot since they sacked me. It's like it was meant to be :D

Haha, nice! Yeah, eff those people.

My state is an at-will employement state which means even if you've worked somewhere for 30 years they can fire you just because they don't like you, unless you're a tenured teacher/professor, or in a union or disabled with a good lawyer. I'm technically disabled (by reason of insanity, I suppose you could say), but I haven't got a good lawyer, or any lawyer...solicitor, whatever you call them.

I got fired once for getting sick one day. Hadn't taken a single day off work, and they knew I was genuinely sick, because I was violently ill at work the night before, and they saw me (or heard me, anyway...). I think it was another case of them just not liking me. People suck sometimes, but some people don't suck, most of the time, like you guys! :P

So now' we've lured the cat into the house.

I think it's needing people

It's now settled down to lick its bum.

Alack. We've had to shut it out.

However it had a good prowl about so it may come back tomorrow.

I did the same with a neighbour's cat a couple of years ago. He used to be sitting on my doorstep waiting for me. Then they moved .:( So don't get too attached. It may end in tears.

They say that the average cat has four homes that it visits.

I'd guess that they won't move for 90 years, but they do go on holiday and leave the poor thing. We often see it passing through our garden but it's usually too shy to get involved until tonight. Think it's missing its humans.

That's how I got my current cat Kevin. Current cat? The neighbors didn't fix their cats for ages and there was always a batch of kittens every year, and I would go kitten hunting with my friends as a kid (I know that sounds awful, but we were throwing treats and them and trying to give them kuddles, not killing them.). One kitting hunting adventure got me my cat Kevin, who now loves us dearly and eats properly but still gets to go outside and hunt and be happy, and he has taken to his 'little brother' Risu, my little grey squirrelly cat who I adopted through the proper channels (a humane society)

Current status report: I spent all day rediscovering my immense CD collection and found out I have a lot of CDs so obscure that the computer can't figure out the tracklists, and I don't know the artists of some of them! I'm going to sell the ones that people have heard of. Loads of motorhead and ozzy and black sabbath that I don't need. I need to go through my records as well. I'll keep the limited pressing and picture discs, but I think I have a load of 70s prog that I can ditch at a record store for a few bucks.

I'm selling a bunch of my stuff, including my parents boat, which might get me a decent sum of money once I get it cleaned up and fixed up. Selling CDs and college books, and video games and whatnot for money so that I can eat while in Edinburgh. I also vaccuumed my room today. Hadn't done that in a while. That was satisfying.

Good luck, Davida! You're one of our most entertaining posters, and it's great that you're not letting these setbacks get you down.

So it's two cats Davida. What did your neighbour do with all those kittens each year ?

Our cat was taken to the vet shaking a few days ago. The vet sticks him in an oxygen tent and said he might of been poisoned. Five minutes later and several conspiracy theories on, we had all decided we knew exactly who did it . Soon after we were told it wasn't poison and all their expensive test had shown nothing, but he was fine again.

If a mechanic returned your car saying "not sure what that clunking noise was but it's gone" would you be happy ? Anyway we paid the £225 vet bill. By the way, our conspiracy theory on the poisoning, we all thought the vet did it.

Quote: beaky @ 9th July 2017, 9:28 AM

Good luck, Davida! You're one of our most entertaining posters, and it's great that you're not letting these setbacks get you down.

Ooh a boat. Maybe you should live on that and become an explorer of the seas. Or a pirate.

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