Wednesday 21st June 2017 10:42am [Edited]
Royal Berkshire
69,978 posts
Quote: Chris Hallam @ 21st June 2017, 11:29 AM
Interesting. I don't think most Tories in parliament or elsewhere support gay marriage even now. It was more that Cameron was left wing on that issue. Most of his party voted against it.
Oh, they definitely do. There are undoubtedly many who disagree, but I don't know, nor have I ever met, any.
Quote: Chris Hallam @ 21st June 2017, 11:29 AM
I've also never heard anyone use the expression "red Tory" until now either.
Really? It's a favourite call of the hard left against anyone who would have been considered a Brownite, Blairite, or 'Labour moderate'. Very well documented over the last 2 years.
Quote: Chris Hallam @ 21st June 2017, 11:29 AM
Are the Right really open to new ideas?
Of course. You just admitted Cameron was more centrist than others, and posed that he persuaded his party to support ideas they don't otherwise believe in, so you rather answer yourself.
Quote: Chris Hallam @ 21st June 2017, 11:29 AM
Is Trump?
Trump isn't. But Trump's not of the right. He's just a power-hungry cretin. (See also: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trumps-donation-history-shows-democratic-favoritism/2011/04/25/AFDUddtE_story.html)
Quote: Chris Hallam @ 21st June 2017, 11:29 AM
Or the press? Crush the saboteurs! Enemies of the people!
Ever read a copy of the Guardian? Or the Mirror? They're more closed than the likes of the Times, Telegraph or Mail in my experience - and those headlines you quote are typical eye-catching tabloid fodder, not genuinely reflective of, well, anything. (And it worked, didn't it? You fell for it. It got your gander up. That's a tabloid's raison d'ĂȘtre.)
Quote: Chris Hallam @ 21st June 2017, 11:29 AM
The relentlessly negative Tory campaign over Labour's positive one?
The recent General Election campaign was an aberration and unmitigated disaster; but Labour's message was jealous and vindictive, just as it always is, not positive. It is normally the Conservatives offering messages of hope and a better, positive future, whilst Labour always peddle fear*.
* Perhaps with the exception of 1997.