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I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,920

Quote: DaButt @ 25th May 2017, 12:15 PM

My comment about your reading comprehension skills was based upon your "Trump is god!" exclamation in an attempt to paint me as a slavering Trump fan despite the many times where I've said that I don't really like the guy.

I think you meant to put the 'really' in front of the 'don't', not after. I hope so anyway. :P

I mean, I suppose people are allowed to loathe the guy to greater or lesser extents (or like him, apparently some people do actually like him). I am probably somewhere in the middle (but to be clear, I do NOT like him, at all). I hear a lot of people saying he's the devil incarnate and needs to be impeached before he blows up the world. I'm currently at the point of thinking, yeah Trump is horrendous and my country's government and its global impact is a nightmare and a half that won't soon end. But impeachment would just put Pence in charge and I find him almost more terrifying. Trump is a non-politician without a working brain. Imagine if an actual politician, with a semi-functioning brain, who is completely morally bankrupt and has frankly evil ideas about how the country should be run, and probably has more skill and capability to put his will into action. Trump is a bufoon and an idiot, but at least his idiocy makes him slightly less of a threat...maybe? I don't know. Trump is reckless and erratic and reactionary and childish, and that's scary in it's own way, especially when it comes to already shaky diplomatic relations with countries who rightly already hate us. But I'm not sure what's more scary, the thought of sitting through the next 3.5 years hoping Trump doesn't provoke the next world war or start a nuclear holocaust, or the thought of living under Pence's rule for the duration. It's really a toss up for me. I'd like to remain vaguely optimistic, as is my wont, in thinking that we'll make it through this shit show and get someone less horrifying into office in the next election. Until then I'm finding I'm having a hard time even keeping up with twitter and news sites. Seeing the news and people's comments and hatred for the people on the other side of the dividing wall, and even more hatred amongst people who are on the *same side* and just disagree about how evil and in what ways the other side are evil is painful to see. I hate hate. I even hate that I hate hate. It's vicious. I hate it!

I feel helpless but not hopeless in all this. I'm at least doing what I can to do things on a local level Imy state is fairly left leaning and we're doing what we can to at least protect ourselves and out citizens from the changes at the federal level that impact populations such as people with pre-existing medical conditions, homeless people, pregnant people, poverty-stricken people with disabilities, people losing their health care etc.) and electing school board members locally to help defend our youth from Betsy DeVoss, and do whatever else I can locally to keep us afloat while we weather this storm. We're a very divided nation right now, obviously, but we don't have to sacrifice the solidarity some of our individual states still cling to. It may be little more than damage-control, and it may not help much on a global scale, but we've got to protect ourselves and plant seeds for future change here on our soil if we're going to have any luck at turning this around and trying to defend the rest of the world from the damage being generated on a federal level.

This is a random rant, sorry. Ignore me. I'm not really talking about any issues (other than impeachment, which isn't the current topic, I realize), just needed to vent a bit and put in an apology on behalf of my country. Can I come live in yours now? I'll pay taxes, I'll do community service, I'll take care of your elderly people, I'll live out of the way in Wales.... just please let me in! I don't like it here

If Trump gets impeached, I think it's likely Pence (and quite a number of others) will go down with him.
So don't worry!
Purely rumour but apparently you could end up with president Hatch? I have very little idea who he is, really. But an actual chimp would be better than them.

For the poor and middle class American the consequences of a Pence presidency would be just as bad as they are now, maybe even worse as Davida pointed out..maybe only without the constant embarrassments on the diplomatic level. That's sad enough.
But the rest of the world will sleep a lot better because Pence seems to have his emotions under control and behaves statesman a normal, sane and intelligent person in such a high political position should. He won't start an international crisis just because someone made a cheap joke about his fat belly. Ok, maybe he would go on raping the environment which has an effect on us all...still, a lot less harmful for us in the medium term than WW3.

Quote: Gordon Bennett @ 27th May 2017, 10:38 AM

For the poor and middle class American the consequences of a Pence presidency would be just as bad as they are now, maybe even worse as Davida pointed out..maybe only without the constant embarrassments on the diplomatic level. That's sad enough.
But the rest of the world will sleep a lot better because Pence seems to have his emotions under control and behaves statesman a normal, sane and intelligent person in such a high political position should. He won't start an international crisis just because someone made a cheap joke about his fat belly.

Yeah. I'm with you there. Gordon Bennett. I'm in the poor category, and rely on subsidized healthcare (obamacare) to keep me from losing my mind, hallucinating, getting paranoia, delusions, yada yada all that fun stuff that would, if left untreated, probably lead me to lose the ability to be the full-time working tax-paying contributer to society and the economy that I am, and would probably push me more toward the homeless, or dead category. But, all that aside, maybe I'm with you that getting Trump out of office is more important on a world-scale and the poor and lower middle classes stuck here in the mean time are just going to have to suck it up and do what we can to get by, and do whatever is necessary to get the idiot off the world political stage. I would sleep better if the rest of the world could sleep better. Though I don't know about Pence being sane. I mean, I have no room to talk. I'm very much not sane. I almost think Pence and Trump give properly insane people like myself a bad rap. Crazy =/= evil. Or do you mean crazy as in irrational, reactive, childish etc? Trump basically is a child, and I think children (and old people) are insane by default. Only difference is, for kids and old people, there's nothing they can do about it. Trump's childishness is 100% his own. Too bad it's all of our problem.

zooo I don't think there's any kind of precident for trying to sucessfully impeach multple people in the line of succession, i.e. president, vice president, speaker of the house is there. I'm not even sure how that would work. This Hatch guy is 4th in line. He's the president pro tem, whatever that is. I've honestly not even heard of that until googling it just now. I'm reading about Hatch now, and he seems....significantly less terrifying than Trump, Pence or Ryan. It still seems like a long shot that we'll make it that far down the line of succession but what do I know. I thought Trump winning was not even a long shot. I thought it was an actual joke. I mean, it still is an actual joke. But the sickest kind of sick joke I can think of, and I can think of some pretty sick jokes.

Quote: Davida Grimes @ 27th May 2017, 10:59 AM

zooom I don't think there's any kind of precident for trying to sucessfully impeach multple people in the line of succession, i.e. president, vice president, speaker of the house is there. I'm not even sure how that would work. This Hatch guy is 4th in line. He's the president pro tem, whatever that is. I've honestly not even heard of that until googling it just now. I'm reading about Hatch now, and he seems....significantly less terrifying than Trump, Pence or Ryan. It still seems like a long shot that we'll make it that far down the line of succession but what do I know. I thought Trump winning was not even a long shot. I thought it was an actual joke. I mean, it still is an actual joke. But the sickest kind of sick joke I can think of, and I can think of some pretty sick jokes.

I demand to be called zooom from now on, thank you.

Oh yeah, I don't know if Pence would literally also be impeached. I just meant that if the rumours I've been hearing are true (which of course they may not be) they are all going to jail. They've all broken numerous laws, including all Trump's adult children.

Quote: zooo @ 27th May 2017, 11:04 AM

I demand to be called zooom from now on, thank you.

Oh yeah, I don't know if Pence would literally also be impeached. I just meant that if the rumours I've been hearing are true (which of course they may not be) they are all going to jail. They've all broken numerous laws, including all Trump's adult children.

Lol I fixed it! You can be zooom if you want though! It took me 4 edits to get all (or most of) the typos out of that post. It's 3:30am, I can't think! (Don't tell Mark I'm not sleeping. I get in trouble. He's my friendly sleep parole officer...or something? I think I may have lost my mind again. Oh well. It'll come back at some point.)

I just wonder what kind of chaos would ensue if they all got sent to jail. I know it'd be a lengthy trial, but would they stay in office while the trial(s) were ongoing? The other thing though is, Trump (and other presidents) have flat out said that they are above the law, and they kind of are. Of course they *shouldn't* be above the law, but it's going to take some doing to actually hold them accountable. The press is trying. Everyone's trying. Are we making progress? I don't know. I've lost track of it all. I don't even know what's going on with your election or Brexit anymore. I just can't keep up. It's too stressful (and I don't have time....except in the middle of the night, apparently).

Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 27th May 2017, 9:09 AM

Why doesn't His Twatness, that is Corbyn mention Bliar in his rantings as the thing that lit the fuse that gets us to where we are today.

Recent conversation with a taxi driver - no I don't use taxis more than once in a blue moon - who is from Iraq, lives in New Addington and considers that Britain saved his life by allowing him to live here.

Me (tentatively) Q. What did you think of Saddam? Him - A. He was on the opposite side to my family - that meant we lived in fear but he was better than any other leader we had. It was a shame what happened to him.

So why the hell we get involved in these things escapes me.. Rolling eyes

Quote: zooo @ 27th May 2017, 11:04 AM

I demand to be called zooom from now on, thank you.

I'm going to call you Zooomy McZooomface.

Quote: Gordon Bennett @ 27th May 2017, 12:10 PM

I'm going to call you Zooomy McZooomface.

I don't know, I think we should take an opinion poll before we go making a big decision like that. We don't want poor Zooom to get stuck with an embarassing name. I wish I could change my screen name...actually, maybe I can! bwa ha ha! I don't know what to change it to though. I thought of some things, but I don't remember what they were.

I'm actually pretty up for Zooomy McZooomface.

If everyone was called Zooomy McZoomface I'm convinced there wouldn't be any more wars.

It would be a wonderful zooomtopia.

Quote: Shandonbelle @ 27th May 2017, 12:56 PM

If everyone was called Zooomy McZoomface I'm convinced there wouldn't be any more wars.

But then the only way to identify each other would be with labels like "The one with herpes." or "Wobble bottom". By the way my label would be "No need to zooom, it's big."

Have we thought zooomtopia through ? Have we ? Does this make Zooo our creator ? Does that mean I have to go to Chester zoo every Sunday to pay my respects ? Tom Cruise might be interested thought. How exciting.

This all sounds perfectly reasonable to me.

Yes, me too. But not in a reasonable reasonable kind of way. More in an I'm glad you lot are possibly almost as bonkers as I am kind of way. Can I still call you Zooom for short? Zooomy McZooomface is hard to type.

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