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I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,916

Da Butt for President. He has a 9 point plan and looking at his photo he doesn't have false hair or a false tan. If you want a scientific analysis of Trump, here's an excellent video from Stephen Fry (it's got bar charts). :)

Da Butt, what will it take for the scales to fall from your eyes? I didn't even read all of your last post because, again, it was excuses, excuses, excuses. This WASN'T so-called 'false news' . The idiot admitted it after getting his henchmen to lie that he didn't do it. This makes them as bad as he is - lying to everybody about what he told the Russians. God help your country, and the rest of us, because whatever the reason, he's right up Putin's arse

Trump sympathisers, or put another way - continued 'supporters' (by default as they steadfastly will not budge from this camp regardless of what he does next) are maintaining their stance for similar reason someone will stay in a domestic abuse situation, as they've been worn down to their very core with little sense left of who they really are remaining.

I say this as his train wreck of an administration has gone so far wrong now it has crossed over into the dark side, so there is little he can do to make things worse in the eyes of his many mongs - as if they've let his recent behaviour slide, they'll let him get away with murder next.

And to excuse/consider some of anyone's negative press in media as 'fake news' is totally plausible as given the very nature of journalism, not everything they report is fact - but ALL the negative stuff? This is so irrational it just proves that they've crossed over to the dark side too.

Quote: fopdoodle @ 17th May 2017, 9:21 PM

I say this as his train wreck of an administration has gone so far wrong now it has crossed over into the dark side, so there is little he can do to make things worse in the eyes of his many mongs

Mongs ?

Just saw the arsehole on TV. 'Oh, poor me! Look how everybody's being bad to me!' Pardon me when I spew on the floor. I do believe I loathe him more than I loathe Theresa May, and that's saying something.

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 17th May 2017, 10:59 PM

Mongs ?

It's prison lingo for 'bitches'.

Quote: keewik @ 17th May 2017, 11:11 PM

Just saw the arsehole on TV. 'Oh, poor me! Look how everybody's being bad to me!' Pardon me when I spew on the floor. I do believe I loathe him more than I loathe Theresa May, and that's saying something.

He thrives on giving his brain fake news by telling us he's had tremendous success with numerous accomplishments (using words like 'never before' and - 'unprecedented') and reminding everyone how much 'fantastic support' and 'love' he's getting from everyone . . . none of which is true, and now he expects some sort of empathy from us as he's 'realised?' you actually have to DO stuff to EARN support and get people to like you as that's how it works.

Telling people that other people 'love me' (so why don't you?) is so desperate and pathetic that it does the very opposite, especially if they know you're lying which is kinda like pulling a potato out of your pocket and telling them it's an antelope . . . people just look at you like you're a complete and utter moron, which is why he has no respect whatsoever from anyone with half a brain. But its the fact that he believes his own bullshit that makes him so dangerous . . . along with the fact that he feels there are minimal consequences to his actions like he's playing some sort of a game.

But this is what will finish him soon, as the 'support' is starting to buckle with the weight of all his violations, incompetence and bare faced lies, and the stories that his staff are unburdening themselves with of his ludicrous behaviour at HQ sound so plausible, I believe them, totally, as you kinda couldn't really make them up. The guy is already headed for a meltdown and its gathering momentum.

Quote: fopdoodle @ 17th May 2017, 11:14 PM

It's prison lingo for 'bitches'.


Quote: Billy Bunter @ 17th May 2017, 11:41 PM


Yes - that's another, but not in context I used. If I used Gervais definition, it wouldn't make sense.

In the hierarchy/pecking order of inmates, it's slang for the lowest, or another word for 'idiot', and in this context was not mocking the disabled in any way. Had I put 'bitches' instead, my 'prison' context would have been clearer.

But anyway, what the hell did he expect if he's whining like a schoolgirl now that 'it's not fair how I'm being treated'? He disagrees with judges, so slags them off not realising he'll need them on his side for future issues, insults the media which just generates more mud slinging at him, and fires people that don't dance to his tune, somehow oblivious to the fact that they might bite him in his arse later as a consequence? This is standard playground logistics, so if he doesn't even get how that works . . .

. . . a Sky reporter summed it up perfectly:
"No amount of spin or obfuscation will save Mr Trump from having to locate his spine and actually face up to this mess of his own making."

That dirty word 'impeachment' has come out of many mouths all over mainstream media/news this morning just as he's off to Saudi on Friday. That can't be pleasant for him. And this trip may also come as a bit of a shock as 11 days with no escape to Mar a Lago/golf course, while everything is unravelling in Washington, and that will be uncomfortable too - having no control over any of it.

The general feeling online is that it's like a pressure cooker and the lid is going to fly off within days to expose enough dirt to justify proceedings as not only has he made a rod for his own back by lying constantly so nobody believes when he says 'no ties with Russia' or whatever his story 'du jour' is, but he is clearly hiding information as he's not exonerating himself by exposing it, which would be the first thing anyone would do if accused of something they did not do.

Whatever happens, it will take long enough, though maybe he'll even resign to avoid further humiliation depending on what comes out - but whatever it takes to stop this fruit loop from having access to nuclear codes, and I think there will even be street parties if/when this happens . . .

Quote: fopdoodle @ 17th May 2017, 11:55 PM

Yes - that's another, but not in context I used. If I used Gervais definition, it wouldn't make sense.

In the hierarchy/pecking order of inmates, it's slang for the lowest, or another word for 'idiot', and in this context was not mocking the disabled in any way. Had I put 'bitches' instead, my 'prison' context would have been clearer.

Whether or not "mongs" is used as prison slang - or probably because "mongs" is used as prison slang - you need to be aware of its derivation and to consider whether it's an appropriate word to use and whether it is likely to cause offence (which it is). And you should apologise for doing so.

Particularly someone who has previously berated President Trump for his mocking of a disabled reporter.

Imagine the 4th of July celebrations if he was out before then.
That might be a bit optimistic though.

RIP Chris Cornell

Quote: Billy Bunter @ 18th May 2017, 7:49 AM

Whether or not "mongs" is used as prison slang - or probably because "mongs" is used as prison slang - you need to be aware of its derivation and to consider whether it's an appropriate word to use and whether it is likely to cause offence (which it is). And you should apologise for doing so.

Particularly someone who has previously berated President Trump for his mocking of a disabled reporter.

That is fantastic . . . absolutely tremendous. Actually made me laugh out loud . . .

I think I had it covered when I said "in this context I was not mocking the disabled in any way" but you somehow see fit to tell me I should still apologise, using my perhaps clumsy use of one word in same post as the sentence that followed referring to possibly the most offensive man in history.

I am perhaps the first to attack Trump on here but it's because I care about all people generally (so must be Trump's polar opposite - and you can tell I'm truthful as have no need to say 'nobody cares more than me, believe me'), especially disabled, homeless, and any minorities that are discriminated against (more than ever now given recent events) so I will say it was bad judgement, but I am not going to scrutinise every single thing I say before posting in future because nobody is going to please everyone all of the time with choice of words and I'm not in the habit of picking the posts of others apart either.

But it was the tiniest most insignificant oversight compared to the mocking of disabled reporter - I caught a clip of it again on a tweet earlier, and it's even shocking without sound . . . and I read that his remaining 'followers' are choosing not to listen generally at the moment given what's going on and some are even saying he may not even come back into the country after his trip - to avoid prosecution (depending on what comes out) or may not be allowed back in as a criminal!

No-one could make it up . . . and I will happily mock him relentlessly as he brings it all on himself by being a vile, mere husk of a human who deserves everything he gets, and the devil's in the detail - when he won't even take a couple of seconds to look up words he can't spell cos he just doesn't care about that either . . .

"How does it go? counsil, councell, cownsell, cown, no, must be coun, then sell, or cil, cell, sil . . .dumdedum, trump goood, mmmm, donuts . . ." :DWhistling nnocently:STeary>_<

Dyslexics getting a hammering now.

Quote: keewik @ 17th May 2017, 11:11 PM

I do believe I loathe him more than I loathe Theresa May, and that's saying something.

I feel the same about the bewhiskered (I say bewhiskered because the twat can't even grow a decent beard) Corbyn.

Quote: fopdoodle @ 19th May 2017, 4:59 AM

I think I had it covered when I said "in this context I was not mocking the disabled in any way" but you somehow see fit to tell me I should still apologise, using my perhaps clumsy use of one word in same post as the sentence that followed referring to possibly the most offensive man in history.

Hitler doesn't get a look in then, or Stalin, or Pol Pot, or Idi Amin, or Roberspierre, or Mao Tse-tung, or Papa Doc, or Ceausescu or ........................................

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