Wavin n tecking phot'is

Wavin n tecking phot'is
I'm surprised they let you get away with that Stephen, on that motorbike; but then being a local celeb gets you certain benefits I suppose.
Dr Janina.
Quote: fopdoodle @ 30th April 2017, 12:01 PMI remember watching 'Pot Black' on black and white TV with my Dad. I'm sure colour TV's were available, but were perhaps a tad too pricey while he had to pay for us bloody kids demanding Lego and ice-cream . . .
"For those with black and white TVs the blue ball is behind the brown" (or something like that!)
I've been DVD sorting this weekend and come across Reeves and Mortimer. That's Reeves and Mortimer. This endeavour reduces me to tears everytime and is a lot of fun.
I love them.
I love them too.
LOL, and I actually did, on my own which is rare.
Bake Off creme de la creme (I love how they justify cake guzzling by playing opera music - perhaps french have this in cake shops too, whereas we are less pretentious in UK, preferring to take an 'it is what it is' approach, with 'Greggs' being latin for 'f*cking cake').
The showpiece collapsed, and how I laughed 'cos it looked shit. There's showing off by defying gravity, and showing off by defying gravity and being stupid, and this was the latter.
I will bask in awe if anyone tries to be clever and wins, but there's absolutely no point in making something you can't transport which looks awful anyway because of how much 'glueing' they had to do. One out of ten for effort, and no marks for creating a camel.
Big fan of Attack on Titan
Mind the Age Gap.
Shame they seem to have chosen an old bigot and young ignorant and inconsiderate banshee just to make good TV, as not all older people are bigots and not all younger are ignorant and inconsiderate, but started me thinking that there are a variety of ages and views on this forum, so if we were all put in a house - I wonder which would be the first to clash/lose control/have a meltdown/walk out?
There has been some crap on lately.
Masterchef for one. Bloody hell.
Anyway I'm watching the Street which is always good. No - not Corrie!
Quote: Chappers @ 12th May 2017, 9:16 PMThere has been some crap on lately.
Masterchef for one. Bloody hell.
Speaking of crap - monkey bread on Masterchef the other night. Jings - maybe I've led a sheltered life, but I'd never heard of it, then the finished article came out looking like compacted turds.
I wondered recently why in early evening I'd get an old Boomtown Rats tune in my head, and realised it was because there were programmes about monkeys on, and I don't like monkeys . . .
I remember retching given the stench even before getting to monkey house at zoo as a kid, so is likely I will recoil from any food with 'monkey' in the name . . . but making it also look like it may have passed through one, nooooo! . . . '2 minutes, you've got 2 minutes'.
Jim Broadbent in the Street asked the librarian for books on comiting suicide.
"Who's going to bring it back?" she asked.
Abandoned Engineering on Yesterday.
I may be a girl but was weaned on the wonders of mechanics and am still fascinated by the innovations of man.
It is particularly interesting though to add another dimension to a programme, in this case not just the history, but projects that were a result of bad decisions or not given adequate planning and were therefore abandoned.
There is something very romantic about abandoned relics, as not only do they tell us a story about the past, but have a unique beauty of their own as works of art.
I saw part of a program this week and don't know what it was,
But! they showed a trick with your car key fob to extend the range.
I was sceptical but tried it today and blow me down - it works.
If your fob is out of range of your car to lock/unlock, hold it against your temple aiming at the car like gun and it will work from quite a distance.
Go 8bit because I am a nerd find josie long hot and enjoy watching people play games