There seems to be a glut of programmes on TV now about people on benefits, and while I've been there myself after losing my house and all sob stories that go along with it, despite understanding their plight, I do not understand why the majority seem to smoke.
I get that perhaps they feel stress and is the only 'luxury' they still have, but as it's so unaffordable now especially as you can no longer buy 10 to spread out over a few days, the outlay for 20 is a huge chunk out of JSA or whatever they get.
I gave up 20 years ago successfully, then something happened to make me into a temporary smoker, and since then have been one of those annoying 'occasional' types, but I have found that it's more mind over matter as after a week of abstinence, the very thought of smoking is quite disgusting.
So people who quite rightly put the mouths of their children as priority ahead of theirs food-wise, are doing themselves and their kids no favours by not trying at least to quit the weed . . . or maybe it's just me in having a overly simplistic view.